Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Fin de partie / Endgame



Transcribed by: Shane Weller

Holding Library: Harry Ransom Center (MS SB/3/5)

Abbreviated in the Manuscript Chronology as EN1.

Autograph manuscript, signed, 106 pp., begun in Paris on 7 May 1957, completed at Ussy on 5 June 1957, written in blue, black, and purple inks in small-4to cloth-backed notebook. Lightly revised, some doodles.
The cover of the notebook has the title All That Fall crossed out. (Beckett had been working on All That Fall as he was finishing Fin de partie.) [...] Laid in is a reproduction of a photograph of Samuel Beckett by Philippe Charpentier, pasted onto a loose sheet from the notebook and inscribed: "for / Jake Schwartz / Sam. Beckett / Sept. 1957".

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leaf through the notebook