Digital Manuscript ProjectEn attendant Godot / Waiting for Godot

winter winter tennis of all kinds hockey of all
sorts penicilline and succedanea in a word I
resume and concurrently simultaneously for reasons
[1692] unknown to shrink and dwindle in spite of the
tennis I resume flying gliding golf over nine holes and
eighteen holes tennis of all sorts in a word for reasons
unknown in Feckham Peckham Fulham Clapham namely
concurrently simultaneously [↑]what is more for reasons unknown
but time will tell to dwindle dwindle I resume
Fulham Clapham in a word the dead loss per capitem
since the death of Samuel Johnson being to the
tune of one inch four ounce per capitem approximately
by and large more or less to the nearest decimal
good measure round figures stark naked in the
stockinged feet in Alabama [↑]Connemara in a word for reasons unknown in
a word no matter what matter the facts are there
and considering what is more what is still more
grave that it appears what is still more grave
that in the light of the labours in progress lost of
Steinweg and Peterman it appears what is still more
grave that in the light the light the light of the
labours abandoned lost of Steinweg and Peterman that in
the plains in the mountains by the seas by the
rivers of water running and fire the air is the same and then
the earth namely the air and [↑]then the earth in the great
cold [↑]The great dark [←] The great dark the air and the earth abode of stones in the
great cold alas alas in the year of their Lord
six hundred [↑]and something the air the earth the sea
the earth abode of stones in the great deeps the
great cold on sea on land and in the air I resume
for reasons unknown in spite of the tennis the
facts are there but time will tell I resume alas
alas on on in short in fine on on abode of stones
who can doubt it I resume but not so fast I resume
the skull to shrink pine waste and concurrently
simultaneously [↑]what is more for reasons unknown in spite of
the tennis on on the beard the flames the tears
the stones so blue so calm alas alas on on the
skull the skull the skull the skull in Alabama Connemara in
spite of the tennis the labours abandoned left
unfinished graver still abode of stones in a word
I resume alas alas abandoned unfinished the skull
the skull in Alabama Connemara in spite of the tennis the
skull alas the stones Conard
X [above]
trips on rope
[round] to
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
En attendant Godot / Waiting for Godot © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt