Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
En attendant Godot / Waiting for Godot
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 785


En attendant Godot Segment 785, version 1 (MS-BNF-MY-440, f. 26r)

Lévy et Vladimir, s'enhardissant peu à peu, tournent autour du petit, l'inspectent sur toutes les coutures.

En attendant Godot Segment 785, version 2 (MS-MA-5071-1, f. 23r)

Estragon et Vladimir, s'enhardissant peu à peu, tournent autour de Lucky, l'inspectent sur toutes les coutures.

En attendant Godot Segment 785, version 3 (Minuit 1952, p. 39)

Estragon et Vladimir, s'enhardissant peu à peu, tournent autour de Lucky, l'inspectent sur toutes les coutures.

Waiting for Godot Segment 785, version 4 (MS-BL-LCP-1954-23, f. 19r)

VLADIMIR and ESTRAGON, cautiously at first, then more boldly, begin to circle about LUCKY, inspecting him up and down.

Waiting for Godot Segment 785, version 5 (MS-HRC-DA-145-1, f. 19r)

VLADIMIR and ESTRAGON, cautiously at first, then more boldly, begin to circle about LUCKY, inspecting him up and down.

En attendant Godot Segment 785, version 6 (Minuit 1953, p. 39)

Estragon et Vladimir, s'enhardissant peu à peu, tournent autour de Lucky, l'inspectent sur toutes les coutures.

Waiting for Godot Segment 785, version 7 (MS-TCD-10730, f. 19r)

Vladimir and Estragon, cautiously at first, then more boldly, begin to circle about Lucky, inspecting him up and down.

Waiting for Godot Segment 785, version 8 (Grove Press 1954, p. 17)

Vladimir and Estragon, cautiously at first, then more boldly, begin to circle about Lucky, inspecting him up and down.

Waiting for Godot Segment 785, version 9 (Faber and Faber 1956, p. 24)

Vladimir and Estragon, cautiously at first, then more boldly, begin to circle about Lucky, inspecting him up and down.

Waiting for Godot Segment 785, version 10 (MS-HRC-SB-6-4-1, f. 33r)

Vladimir and Estragon, cautiously at first, then more boldly, begin to circle about Lucky, inspecting him up and down.

En attendant Godot Segment 785, version 11 (MS-HRC-SB-6-2-3, f. 30r)

ESTRAGON et VLADIMIR, s'enhardissant peu à peu, tournent autour de Lucky, l'inspectent sur toute les coutures.

Waiting for Godot Segment 785, version 12 (Faber and Faber 1965, p. 25)

Vladimir and Estragon, cautiously at first, then more boldly, begin to circle about Lucky, inspecting him up and down.

En attendant Godot Segment 785, version 13 (Minuit 1970, p. 33)

Estragon et Vladimir, s'enhardissant peu à peu, tournent autour de Lucky, l'inspectent sur toutes les coutures.

En attendant Godot Segment 785, version 14 (Minuit 1971, p. 34)

Estragon et Vladimir, s'enhardissant peu à peu, tournent autour de Lucky, l'inspectent sur toutes les coutures.