Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 2877
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En attendant Godot Segment 2877, version 1 (MS-BNF-MY-440, f. 108r)
Dos à dos comme dans le au bon vieux temps!

En attendant Godot Segment 2877, version 2 (MS-MA-5071-1, f. 82r)
Dos à dos comme au bon vieux temps!
En attendant Godot Segment 2877, version 3 (Minuit 1952, p. 126)
[Estragon:] Dos à dos comme au bon vieux temps!

Waiting for Godot Segment 2877, version 4 (MS-BL-LCP-1954-23, f. 76r)
Back to back like in the good old days!

Waiting for Godot Segment 2877, version 5 (MS-HRC-DA-145-1, f. 76r)
Back to back like in the good old days!
En attendant Godot Segment 2877, version 6 (Minuit 1953, p. 126)
[Estragon:] Dos à dos comme au bon vieux temps!

Waiting for Godot Segment 2877, version 7 (MS-TCD-10730, f. 73r)
Back to back like in
the good old days.
Waiting for Godot Segment 2877, version 8 (Grove Press 1954, p. 48)
[Estragon:] Back to back like in the good old days.
Waiting for Godot Segment 2877, version 9 (Faber and Faber 1956, p. 74)
[Estragon:] Back to back like in the good old days!

Waiting for Godot Segment 2877, version 10 (MS-HRC-SB-6-4-2, f. 37r)
Back to back like in the good old days!

En attendant Godot Segment 2877, version 11 (MS-HRC-SB-6-2-3, f. 113r)
Dos à dos comme au bon vieux temps!
Waiting for Godot Segment 2877, version 12 (Faber and Faber 1965, p. 74)
[Estragon:] Back to back like in the good old days!
En attendant Godot Segment 2877, version 13 (Minuit 1970, p. 105)
[Estragon:] Dos à dos comme au bon vieux temps!
En attendant Godot Segment 2877, version 14 (Minuit 1971, p. 108)
[Estragon:] Dos à dos comme au bon vieux temps!