Digital Manuscript ProjectL'Innommable / The Unnamable

[0086] Molloy.[0087] Perhaps it is Molloy, wearing Malone's hat.[0088] But it is more
reasonable to assume it is Malone, wearing his own hat.[0089] Oh look,
there is the first thing, Malone's hat.[0090] I see no other clothes.
[0091] Perhaps Molloy is not here at all.[0092] Could he be, without my know-
ledge?[0093] The place is no doubt vast.[0094] Dim intermittent lights suggest
a kind of distance.
[0095] To tell the truth I believe they are all
here, at least from Murphy on, I believe we are all here, but so
far I have only seen Malone.[0096] Another hypothesis, they were here,
but are here no longer.[0097] I shall examine it after my fashion.[0098] Are
there other pits, deeper down?[0099] To which one accedes by this one?
[0100] Stupid obsession with depth.[0101] Are there other places set aside for
us and this one where I am, with Malone, merely their narthex?
[0104] No more questions.[0105] Is not this rather the place where one
finishes vanishing?[Stet] [0106] Will the day come when Malone will pass before
me no longer?[0107] Will the day come when Malone will pass before the
spot where I was?[0108] Will the day come when another will pass before me,
[⁁] before the spot where I was.[0109] I have no opinion, on these matters.
[0110] If I were not without feeling his beard would fill me with pity.
[0111] It hangs down, on either side of his chin, in two twists of unequal
length.[0112] Was there a time when I too revolved thus?[0113] No, I have always
been sitting here, at this self[⁁]same spot, my hands on my knees, gazing
before me like a great horned owl in an aviary.[0114] The tears stream
down my cheeks from my unblinking eyes.[0115] What makes me weep so?
[0116] From time to time.[0117] There [/]is nothing saddening here.[0118] Perhaps it is
liquefied brain.[0119] Past happiness in any case has clean gone from
my memory, assuming it was ever there.[0120] If I accomplish other natural
functions, it is unawares.[0121] Nothing ever troubles me.[0122] And yet I am
troubled.[0123] Nothing has ever changed since I have been here. But I
dare not conclude from this that nothing will ever change.Let us
[0124] Let us
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L'Innommable / The Unnamable © 2013 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt