Digital Manuscript ProjectL'Innommable / The Unnamable

[2180.1] battery, look, no battery, it's nothing, you'll be all right,
you'll see, I beg your pardon, does he work, good God no, out
of the question, [2180.2] look, here's the mediacl report, spasmodic tabes,
painless ulcers (gommes), I repeat, painless, all is painless,
multiple softenings, numerous hardenings, insensitive to blows,
sight failing, chronic indigestion, light diet, shit well toler-
ated, hearing failing, heart irregular, sweet-tempered, smell
failing, soun d sleeper, no erections, would you like some more,
[2180.2] commission in the territorials, inoperable, untransportable, look,
here's the face, no no, the other end, I assure you, it's a
bargain, I beg your pardon, does he drink, good God yes, passion-
ately, I beg your pardon, father and mother, both dead, at seven
months interval, he at the [/]conception, she at the nativity, I
assure you, you won't do better, at your age, to have no human
shape, the pity of it, look, here's the photograph, you'll see,
you'll be all right, what does it amount to, after all, a pain-
[2180.2] ful moment, on the surface, then peace, underneath, it's the only
way, take my word, the only way out, I beg your pardon, have I
nothing else, why certainly, certainly, just a second, I was
wondering myself, just a second, if you were not rather, just a
second, here we are, this one here, but I wanted to make sure,
what, you don't understand, neither do I, no matter, it's no time
for levity, yes, I was right, no doubt this time, it's you all over, [2180.3] look,
here's the photograph, have a look at that, he's dying on his feet,
you'd better hurry, it's a bargain, and so on, so on, till I'm
tempted, no, all lies, they know it well, I never understood,
I haven't stirred, I'm all right, I'll be all right, when they
depart, I haven't stirred, all I've said, said I've done, said
I've been, it's they who said it, I've said nothing, I haven't
[2180.3] stirred, they don't understand, I can't stir, they think I don't
want to, that their conditions don't suit me, that they'll hit
on others, in the end, to my liking, then I'll stir, they'll
have put me in their pocket, off the cushion, that's how I see
it, no, I see nothing, they don't ubderstand , I can't go towards
- Segments
L'Innommable / The Unnamable © 2013 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt