Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
L'Innommable / The Unnamable


Segment 1

[2194] I know about these things [place = inline] , how would I understand what they're
talking about [place = inline] , I'll never stir [place = inline] , never speak [place = inline] , they'll never go
sie [place = overwritten] lent [place = inline] , never depart [place = inline] , they'll never get [place = supralinear] catch me [place = inline] , never trop trying [place = inline] ,
that's that [place = inline] , I'm listening.

Segment 2

[2195.1] Well I prefer that [place = inline] , I must say I
prefer that [place = inline] , that what [place = inline] , oh you know [place = inline] , [place = supralinear] who you, oh I suppose the audience
well well [place = inline] , so there's an audience [place = inline] , it's a public show [place = inline] , you buy
your seat and you wait [place = inline] , perhaps it's free [place = inline] , a freeshow free show [place = inline] ,
you take your seat and wait for it to begin [place = inline] , or perhaps it's
compulsory [place = inline] , a compulsory show [place = inline] , you wait for the compulsory show
to begin [place = inline] ,it takes some time [place = inline] , you hear a voie [place = overwritten] ce [place = inline] , perhaps it's a
recitation [place = inline] , that's the show [place = inline] , someone reciting [place = inline] , selected passages [place = inline] ,

Segment 3

[2195.1] old favourites [place = inline] , a poetry matinée, or someone improvising [place = inline] , you
can barely hear him [place = inline] , that's the show [place = inline] , [2195.2] you can't leave [place = inline] , you're
afraid to leave [place = inline] , it might be even worse elsewhere [place = inline] , you pull [place = supralinear] make
yourself together [place = inline] , [place = supralinear] the best of it, [place = supralinear] you reason with yourself, [place = supralinear] try and be reasonable, you came too early [place = inline] , here we'd need latin [place = inline] ,
it's only beginning [place = inline] , it hasn't begun [place = inline] , he's only preluding [place = inline] ,
clearing his throat [place = inline] , alone in his dr [place = supralinear] essing-room [place = inline] , he'll appear
in a moment [place = inline] , he'll begin in a moment [place = inline] , or it's the stat [place = overwritten] ge-manager [place = inline] ,
giving his instructions [place = inline] , his last recommendations [place = inline] , before the

Segment 4

[2195.2] curtain rises [place = inline] , that's the show [place = inline] , waiting for the show [place = inline] , to the sound
of mi [place = overwritten] umu [place = supralinear] a murmur [place = inline] , you pull yourself together [place = supralinear] reason with yourself [place = supralinear] try and be reasonable [place = inline] , perhaps it's not a
voice at all [place = inline] , perhaps it's the air [place = inline] , ascending [place = inline] , descending [place = inline] ,
flowing [place = inline] , eddying [place = inline] , seeking an exit [place = inline] , finding none [place = inline] , [2195.3] and the
spectators [place = inline] , where are they [place = inline] , you don't [place = supralinear] didn't noticed [place = inline] , in the clutch [place = supralinear] anguish
of waiting [place = inline] , [place = supralinear] never noticed you were waiting alone [place = inline] , that [place = inline] 's the show [place = inline] , waiting
alone [place = inline] , in the restless air [place = inline] , for it to begin [place = inline] , for something
to begin [place = inline] , for there to be something a [place = overwritten] else but you [place = inline] , for the power

Segment 5

[2195.3] to go [place = inline] , the courage to leave [place = inline] , you pull yourself together [place = inline] , [place = supralinear] reason with your [place = supralinear] try & be reasonable, per-
haps you are blind [place = inline] , probably you are deaf [place = inline] , the show is over [place = inline] ,
all is over [place = inline] , but where then is the hand [place = inline] , the and of friendship [place = inline] , [place = supralinear] helping [place = supralinear] hand
or merely of charity [place = supralinear] charitable [place = inline] , or the hired hand [place = inline] , it's a long time
col [place = overwritten] ming [place = inline] , to take yours and draw you w [place = overwritten] away [place = inline] , [place = margin bottom] that's the show, free, gratis and for nothing, waiting
alone, blind and deaf, you don't know where,
you don't know for what, for a hand to come,
and draw you away,
somewhere else [place = inline] , where

Addition 1
that's the show, free, gratis and for nothing, waiting
alone, blind and deaf, you don't know where,
you don't know for what, for a hand to come,
and draw you away,
  • Segments
  • Marginal Additions