Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
L'Innommable / The Unnamable


Segment 1

[2206.2] away [place = inline] , you don't know for what [place = inline] , ah yes [place = inline] , [place = supralinear] [] for something to do [place = inline] , no no [place = inline] ,
nothing more to be done [place = inline] , since when [place = inline] , the beginning of time [place = inline] ,
[2206.3] and [place = supralinear] now enough of that [place = inline] , unless perhaps [place = inline] , thay [place = overwritten] t's an idea [place = inline] , let's search [place = supralinear] seek
over there [place = inline] , one last effort [place = inline] , search for [place = supralinear] seek what [place = inline] , pertinent objection [place = inline] ,
let us try and discover [place = inline] , before we search [place = supralinear] seek [place = inline] , what it can [place = supralinear] be, before
we search [place = supralinear] seek over there [place = inline] , over where [place = inline] , talking unceasingly [place = inline] , searching [place = supralinear] seeking
inceassantly [place = inline] , in yourself [place = inline] , outside yourself [place = inline] , searching [place = supralinear] seeking no longer
losing your head [place = inline] , cursing God [place = inline] , stopping cursing [place = inline] , unable to [place = supralinear] past bear [place = supralinear] ing

Segment 2

[2206.3] any more [place = supralinear] it [place = inline] , going on bearing [place = supralinear] it [place = inline] , searching [place = supralinear] seeking indefatigably [place = inline] , in the world
of nature [place = inline] , the world of man [place = inline] , not know where [place = inline] , where is nature [place = inline] ,
where is man [place = inline] , what are you searching for [place = supralinear] are seeking [place = inline] , who is searching [place = supralinear] seeking [place = inline] ,
searching for [place = supralinear] seeking who you are [place = inline] , supreme aberration [place = inline] , where you are [place = inline] ,
what you're doing [place = inline] , what you'b [place = overwritten] ve done to them [place = inline] , what they've done
to you [place = inline] , [2206.4] talo [place = overwritten] king fluently [place = supralinear] babbling along [place = inline] , where are the others [place = inline] , who is taling
talking [place = inline] , not I [place = inline] , where am I [place = inline] , where is it [place = supralinear] the place where I've always been [place = inline] ,
where are the others [place = inline] , it is they are talking [place = inline] , talking to me [place = inline] ,

Segment 3

[2206.4] talking of me [place = inline] , I'm I hear them [place = inline] , I'm dumb [place = supralinear] speechless [place = inline] , what do they want [place = inline] ,
what have I done to them [place = inline] , what have I done to God [place = inline] , what have they
done to God [place = inline] , what has God done to us [place = inline] , nothing [place = inline] , and we've done
nothing to him [place = inline] , you can't do anything to him [place = inline] , he can't do any-
thing to us [place = inline] , we're innocent [place = inline] , he's innocent [place = inline] , it's nobody's fault [place = inline] ,
what's nobody's fault [place = inline] , this state of affairs [place = inline] , what state of
affairs [place = inline] , so it is [place = inline] , so be it [place = inline] , don't fret [place = inline] , so it will be [place = inline] , how so [place = inline] ,
talking excitably [place = supralinear] rattling on [place = inline] , parched with [place = supralinear] dying of thirst [place = inline] , losing your head [place = inline] , searching [place = supralinear] seeking

Segment 4

[2206.4] dtereminedly [place = inline] , searching [place = supralinear] seeking no longer [place = inline] , searching [place = supralinear] seeking again [place = inline] , what do [place = supralinear] it is they they
want [place = inline] , they want me to be [place = inline] , this [place = inline] , that [place = inline] , they want me to howl [place = inline] , stir [place = inline] ,
emerge from here [place = inline] , be born [place = inline] , die [place = inline] , listen [place = inline] , I'm listening [place = inline] , [2206.5] I [place = overwritten] it's not
enough [place = inline] , I must understand [place = inline] , I'm doing my best [place = inline] , I can't undef [place = overwritten] rstand [place = inline] ,
I stop doing my best [place = inline] , I can't do my best [place = inline] , I've had enough [place = inline] , poor
darling so have they

  • Segments