Digital Manuscript ProjectL'Innommable / The Unnamable

[2206.9] but a little nevertheless, it's essential, it's preferable, it's
a pity, but there it is, just a little all the same, the least
possible, it's appreciable, it's sufficient, the rough meaning
of one expression in at a thousand, in ten thousand, let us go
on multiplying by ten, nothing is more restful than arithmetic,
in a hundred thousand, in a million, it's too much, too little, we've
gone wrong somewhere, no matter, there is no great difference
here between one expression and the next, when you grasp one you g
[2206.9] grasp them all, I am not in that fortunate position, all, how you
exaggerate go ov, always for the whole hog, the all of all and the all
of nothing, never in the happy mean, never, always, it's too much,
too little, often, seldom, [2206.10] let me now sum up, after this digres-
sion, there is I, it's essential, it's preferable I feel it, yes,
I confess, I give in, therei there is I, it's essential, it's
preferable, I wouldn't have said so, I won't always say so, so
let me hasten to take advantage of being now obliged to say, in
[2206.10] a manner of speaking, that there is I, on theo one hand, and this
noise on the other, that I never doubted, no, let us be logical,
there was never any doubt about that, this noise, on the other, if
it is the other, that will doubteless be the subject of our next
deliberation, I sum up, now that I am there it's I will do the
summing up, it's I will say what is to be said and then say what
it was, that will be fun, I sum up, I and this noise, I see
nothing else for the moment, but I have only just taken over
[2206.10] my functions, I and this noise, and what about it, don't interrupt
me, I'm doing my best, I repeat, I and this noise, two things,
on the subkject of which, inverting the natural order, we would
seem to know for certain, among other things, what follows,
namely, on the one hand, with regard to the noise, that it has
not been possible up to date to determine with certainty, or
even apporximately , what it is, in the way of noise, or how it
comes to me, or by what organ it is emitted, or by what perceived,
[2206.10] or by what intelligence apprehended, in its main drift, and, on
the other, that is to say with regard to me, this is going to
take a little longer, with regard to me, nice time we're going
- Segments
L'Innommable / The Unnamable © 2013 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt