Digital Manuscript ProjectL'Innommable / The Unnamable

[2016] their minds, rightly or wrongly, he suffers, and thanks to them.
[2017] P [place = overwritten] Oh not yet sufficiently, but gently does it.[2018] An excess of severity
at this stage might darken his understanding for ever.[2019] Another thing.
[2020] The problem is delicate.[2021] The dulling force of habit, what about
how do they deal with it [place = supralinear] that?[2022] They can combat [place = supralinear] counteract [Stet] it of course, raising the
voiice , increasing the light.
[2023] But supposing [place = supralinear] e, instead of suffering
less, as time flies, he continues to suu [place = supralinear] ffer as much, precisely, as
the first day?[2024] That must be possible.[2025] And but supposing [place = supralinear] e, instead of
suffering less than the first day, or as much no less, he suffers
more and more, as time flies, and the metamorphosis is accomplished,
of t unchanging future [place = supralinear] into unchangeable past.[2025|001] Eh?[2026] Another thing,
The but of a different order.[2027] The affair is thorny.
[2028] Is not a un-
iform suffering preferable to one which, by its [place = inline] [/]opens [place = supralinear] ups and downs,
is liable at certain moments to encourage the view that perhaps
after all it will not last for ever?[2029] That must depend on the ob-
ject in view [place = supralinear] pursued.[2030] Namely please?[2031] A little access of impatience;, on
the part of the patient.[2032] Thank you.[2033] That is the immediate object.
[2034] Afterwards there will be others.
[2035] Afterwards he'll be given lessons
in keeping quiet.[2036] But for the moment let him toss and turn at least,
roll on the ground, damn it all, since there's no other remedy,
anything [place = supralinear] at all, to relieve the monotony.[2037] Damn it all, look at the burnt
alive, they don't have to be told, when not tied down [place = supralinear] lashed to the stake, to rush
about in every direction, without method, [place = supralinear] crackling, in search of a little cool
[2038] There are even some [place = supralinear] those whose sang-froid is such that they throw them-
selves out of the window.[2039] No one asks him to go that far [place = supralinear] to those lengths.
[2040] But simply
to discover without further assistance from without the assuagements
of flight from self, that's all, he won't go far, he won't need to
go far.[2041] Simply to find within himself a palliation [place = supralinear] ve for what he is,
through no fault of his own.[2042] Simply to imi [place = supralinear] tate the hussar who gets
up on a chair the better to adjust the plume on his busby, it's the
least he might do.
[2043] No one asks him to think, simply to suffer,
always in the same way, without hope of diminution, without hope of
dissolution, it's no more complicated than that.[2044] No need to think
to be devoid of hope [place = supralinear] despair.[2045] Agreed then on monotony, it's more stimulat-
ing.[2046] But how can it be ensured?No matter, no matter how, they are
[2047] No matter, no matter how, they are
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L'Innommable / The Unnamable © 2013 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt