Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
L'Innommable / The Unnamable


Segment 1

[2016] their minds, rightly or wrongly, he suffers, and thanks to them.
[2017] POh not yet sufficiently, but gently does it.[2018] An excess of severity
at this stage might darken his understanding for ever.
[2019] Another thing.
[2020] The problem is delicate.[2021] The dulling force of habit, what about
how do they deal with it that?
[2022] They can combat counteract [Stet] it of course, raising the
voiice , increasing the light.

Segment 2

[2023] But supposinge, instead of suffering
less, as time flies, he continues to suuffer as much, precisely, as
the first day?
[2024] That must be possible.[2025] And but supposinge, instead of
suffering less than the first day, or as much no less, he suffers
more and more, as time flies, and the metamorphosis is accomplished,
of t unchanging future into unchangeable past.
[2025|001] Eh?[2026] Another thing,
The but of a different order.
[2027] The affair is thorny.

Segment 3

[2028] Is not a un-
iform suffering preferable to one which, by its [/]opens ups and downs,
is liable at certain moments to encourage the view that perhaps
after all it will not last for ever?
[2029] That must depend on the ob-
ject in view pursued.
[2030] Namely please?[2031] A little access of impatience[;], on
the part of the patient.
[2032] Thank you.[2033] That is the immediate object.
[2034] Afterwards there will be others.

Segment 4

[2035] Afterwards he'll be given lessons
in keeping quiet.
[2036] But for the moment let him toss and turn at least,
roll on the ground, damn it all, since there's no other remedy,
anything at all, to relieve the monotony.
[2037] Damn it all, look at the burnt
alive, they don't have to be told, when not tied down lashed to the stake, to rush
about in every direction, without method, crackling, in search of a little cool
[2038] There are even some those whose sang-froid is such that they throw them-
selves out of the window.
[2039] No one asks him to go that far to those lengths.

Segment 5

[2040] But simply
to discover without further assistance from without the assuagements
of flight from self, that's all, he won't go far, he won't need to
go far.
[2041] Simply to find within himself a palliationve for what he is,
through no fault of his own.
[2042] Simply to imitate the hussar who gets
up on a chair the better to adjust the plume on his busby, it's the
least he might do.

Segment 6

[2043] No one asks him to think, simply to suffer,
always in the same way, without hope of diminution, without hope of
dissolution, it's no more complicated than that.
[2044] No need to think
to be devoid of hope despair.
[2045] Agreed then on monotony, it's more stimulat-
[2046] But how can it be ensured?
No matter, no matter how, they are

Segment 7

[2047] No matter, no matter how, they are

Metamark 1
Metamark: Stet Note: \'Stet\' in the margin.
Doodle 12
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