Digital Manuscript ProjectL'Innommable / The Unnamable

[2192] that will teach them perhaps, to keep their
hands off me.
[2193] Yes, [xxx] but there it is, if I could, but I can't, whatever
I [xxx xxx]
it is, I can't any more, I could perhaps
once, in the days when I was bursting my guts,
in obedience to my instructions, to bring back to
the fold the dear lost lamb, I'd been told he was
dear, that he was dear to me, that I was dear
to him, that we were dear to each other, all
[2193] my life I pelted him with twaddle, the dear
departed, wondering what he was like in the could possibly be like, where we could
possibly have met, all my life, well nearly well, almost, damn the almost, all my
life, before I join until I joined him,
I'm dear to them, they're dear to me,
and now I'm dear to them, they're dear to me,
[2193] glad to hear it, they'll join us, one by one,
it's a pity they're numberless, so are we,
dear dear charnel of deserters, never to be filled,
decidedly this evening everything is dear, no
matter, the ancients hear nothing, for them
it's [fin] over, all the hell is for the last arrival,
and my old quarry, there beside me, for him
it's over, beside me how are you, under me,
[2193] we're piled up, no, that won't work either,
no matter, it's a detail, for him it's over,
him the second-last, and for me too, me the
last, it will soon be over, I'll hear nothing
more, I've nothing to do, simply wait,
[2193] it it's a slow business, he'll [x] come and
lie on top of me, my dear tor lie beside
me, my dear tormentor, his turn to
suffer what he made me suffer, mine to be
at peace.
[2194] How all comes right in the end to
be sure, it's [all] thanks to [the] patience, [xxx] and time, it's thanks to
it's thanks to the earth that
patience and length of days time, it's thanks
to the earth that revolves that the earth revolves
no more, that and time ends its meal, and pain
comes to an end, all you need do is wait,
without lifting a finger, [xx] all y you only
[2194] have to wait, without doing a thing, [there]
it's no good doing a thing, and without under-
standing, understanding is no help, and all
comes right, nothing comes right, nothing,
nothing, this will never end, this voice will never
stop, I am alone here, the first and the
last, I never made anyone suffer, I never
stopped anyone's suffering, no one will ever
[2194] stop mine, they'll never [stir I'll never stir],
depart, I'll never stir, I'll never know
peace, neither will they, but [there] with this
difference, that they don't want it, they
say they don't want, they say I don't
want it either, [xxx I] that I don't
want peace, after all perhaps [xxx xxx] they're right,
- Segments
L'Innommable / The Unnamable © 2013 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt