Digital Manuscript ProjectL'Innommable / The Unnamable

[2202] of the bony structure, that should suffice.
But one must not forget it's Unfortunately it's
a question of words, voices, one must not forget
that, one must try and not forget that
completely, a statement to be made, by
them, by me, some slight obscurity here,
[2203] it might sometimes be wondered if all
this bollocks about life and death is not
entirely foreign to them alien to them,
just as much as to me.
[2204] The fact is they
don't know where they are, where I am, no longer know where they are, in
[I][xxx] their affair, where I am, I never knew,
[x] I'm where I always was, wherever that is,
and the affair, I don't know what is meant
[2204] by that, some process no doubt, where I am stuck,
or haven't yet come to, I'm not there at all,
in their affair, that's what worries them,
they want me to be there somewhere, anywhere,
if they'd only stop ratiocinating, about on
them themselves, about on me, about the end goal pursued, and
[2204] simply go on, with no illusion about having
begun one day [or] [xxx] or [xxx] ever being able
to conclude, but it's too difficult, too difficult,
for one devoid of purpose, not to look forward [long]
to his end, and devoid of any reason to exist,
for a time when [x] to look forward to his end,
and devoid of all reason to exist, back to
the time he did not.
[2205] Difficult too not to
forget, in your thirst for something to do,
so as to be done with it, have it done at least,
and have that much less to do, that there is
nothing to be done, nothing [par] special to
be done, nothing doable to be done.
[2206.1] No point
either in your thirst, your hunger, no, no
need of hunger, thirst is enough, in your
thirst, no point in telling yourself stories,
to pass the time, stories don't pass the time,
nothing passes it, that doesn't matter, that's
[2206.1] the way it is, you tell yourself stories, then
any old thing, saying, No more stories from
now, whereas [they] it's stories still, or rather
there were never any stories, it was always
any old thing, for as long as you can remember,
no, rather longer than that, you don't remember
anything, always any old thing, always
[2206.1] the same old thing, to pass the time, [2206.2] and
then, as time didn't pass, without for no
reason, in your thirst, trying to stop, unable
to stop, seeking why, why the cause of [ADDITION]Addition on page
14vthe cause of this need to talk,
this need to stop, this inability to stop,
finding the cause, losing it again, finding
it again, not finding it again, seeking no longer,
seeking again, finding again, losing again,
- Segments
L'Innommable / The Unnamable © 2013 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt