Digital Manuscript ProjectL'Innommable / The Unnamable

[2206.7] we'll have that, one must have something,
it's a pity, but there it is, fear
of sound, fear of sounds, the sounds of beasts,
the sounds of men, sounds daytime
[2206.7] and sounds by night, that's sufficient, fear
of sounds, all sounds, more or less, more or
less fear, all sounds, there's only one, one
sound, continuous, day and night, what is it,
it's steps coming and going, it's
voices speaking for a moment, it's bodies
making their way, it's the air, it's things,
it's the air among things, that's sufficient,
[2206.7] that I seek, like it, no, not like it,
like me, in my way, what am I saying,
after my fashion, that I seek, what do I
seek now, what it is,
it must be that, it can only be that, what it
is, what it can be, what what can be, what
I seek, no, what I hear, now it comes
back to me, all comes back to me, I seek,
[2206.7] I hear them say I seek what it is I hear,
[2206.8] now it comes back to me, what it can
possibly be, and where it can possibly
come from, to me, since all is
silent here, and the walls are thick, and
how I manage, without feeling an ear on
me, or a head, or a body, or a soul, how I
manage, to do what, why nothing ob-
[2206.8] viously, how I manage, it's not clear,
you say it's not clear, something is lacking
to make it clear, I'll seek, what is lacking,
to make everything clear, I never stop seeking something,
it's wearisome in the end, and it's
only the beginning, how I manage, under
such conditions, to do what I'm doing,
- Segments
L'Innommable / The Unnamable © 2013 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt