Digital Manuscript ProjectL'Innommable / The Unnamable

that's all I know, I say I knowing
it is not I, I am afar, that's all
I know, afar, what does that
mean, afar, no need to be afar,
perhaps he is here, in my arms, my
arms, I don't feel any arms on me,
if I could only feel something on me,
it would a starting point, a starting
point, ah if I could only laugh, I
know what it is, they must have told
me what it is, but I can't do,
they can't have shown me how to do,
it must be one of those things that can't
be taught [place = supralinear] acquired.
[2323.1] The silence, a word on the
silence, under the silence, that's the
worst, to speak of silence, then shut me
up, shut someone up, that is to say,
what is that to say, calm, I'm calm,
I'm shut up, I'm in something, it isn't
I, that's all I know, let's leave that, no more about that, that is to
that is to
say, make a place, a little world,
make a little world, it will be round,
this time it will be round, it's not
certain, with low ceiling, thick walls,
why low, why thick, I don't know,
it isn't certain, it remains to be seen,
all that remains to be seen, a little
we're done with windows, the sky sea
refused me, the sky didn't see me,
I wasn't there, and the summer evening
air weighing on my eyelids, we must
have eyelids, we must have eyeballs,
they must have explained to me, some-
one must have explained to me,
what it's like, an eye, at the window,
- Segments
L'Innommable / The Unnamable © 2013 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt