Digital Manuscript ProjectL'Innommable / The Unnamable

[2323.2] before the sea, before the earth, before
the sky, at the window, against the
air, in summer, at evening, opening,
shutting, grey, black, grey, black,
I must have understood, I must
have wanted it, wanted the eye,
fo all for myself, I must have tried,
all the things they have told me, all
the things I have tried, it comes
in useful still, when I think of it,
that too, one you must go on thinking,
go on thinking the old thoughts,
they call that thinking, it's visions,
remains of visions, that's all you
can see, a few old images, a
window, what need had they
to show me a window, saying, I
don't know, I don't remember,
it doesn't come back to me, a window,
saying, There are others, there are
others more beautiful, and the
rest, walls, sky, m[a]n, like
speak, and what to say, and a
little nature, and a few names,
and the outside of men, those in
my image, whom I might resemble,
and their way of living, in rooms,
in sheds, in caves, in woods, or
coming and going, I forget, and
who went away and left me, knowing
I was tempted, knowing I was
lost, whether I succumbed or not,
have I succumbed or not, I don't
know, it isn't I, that's all I know,
since then it's not I any more, since
then there is no one any more, I must
have succumbed.
[2324] All All that is hy-
potheses, that helps you forward, I
believe in progress, I believe in
silence, ah yes, a few words on the silence,
- Segments
L'Innommable / The Unnamable © 2013 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt