Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
L'Innommable / The Unnamable


Segment 1

[2325.2] of, well, so that's emotion, and
what trains are, and the meaning
of your back to the engine, and
guards, stations, platforms, wars,
love, heartrending cries, that must
be the mother-in-law, she cries
her cries are heartrending,
while she takes down her son, or

Segment 2

[2325.2] her son-in-law, I don't know,
it must be her son, xxx the
since she cries, and the door,
the house door of the house is closed bolted [ADDITION]Addition on page 43vbolted ,
when she got back from the station
she found the housedoor closed bolted [ADDITION]Addition on page 43vbolted ,
who closed [ADDITION]Addition on page 43vbolted it, he the better xx to
hang himself, or the mother-in-law

Segment 3

[2325.2] the better to take him down, or to
xx prevent her daughter-in-law
from reentering the premises, [2325.3] there's
a story for you, it must be the
daughter-in-law, it isn't the son-in-
law and the daughter, it's the son
and the daughter-in-law, how I reason
to be sure this evening, it was to

Segment 4

[2325.3] teach me how to reason, it was to
tempt me to go there, to the place
where you can come to an end, I must
have been a good pupil, up to a certain
point, I couldn't get beyond a certain
point, I can understand that their
being cross with me, this evening I
begin to understand, oh it's not

Segment 5

[2325.3] there's no danger, it' it is not I, it
was not I, the door, it's the door
that interests me, it's of wood, who
closed bolted the door, and for what pur-
pose, I'll never know, that's a story
for you, I thought they were over,
all forgotten, perhaps it's a new
one, lepping fresh, is it the return

Segment 6

[2325.3] to the world of fable, no, only a
reminder, so that I may regret what
I have lost, so that I may long again
to be in the place I was banished from,
unfortunately it doesn't remind me
of anything.

Segment 7

[2326.1] The silence, speak of the
silence, before going into it, have I been
there already, I don't know, at every
instant I am there, there I am speaking

  • Segments