Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
L'Innommable / The Unnamable


Segment 1

[2328.1] or waiting for me, I'll go there now, I'll
try and go there now, I can't stir, I'm
there already, I must be there already,
perhaps I'm not alone, perhaps a whole
people is there, and this voice its,
reaching me fitfully, we would have lived,
been free a moment, [2328.2] now we talk about
it, each one to himself, each one out

Segment 2

[2328.2] loud for himself, and we listen, a
whole people, talking and listening,
at the s simultaneously, that would ex,
no, I'm alone, perhaps the first, or
perhaps the last, s talking alone, listening
alone, alone alone, the others are gone,
they are as gone, they are have been stilled, stilled
from talking, stilled
their voices are stilled,

Segment 3

[2328.2] their listening is stilled, one by one after
another, at each new-coming, another will
come, I won't be the last, I'll be with the
others, I'll be as gone, in the silence, it
won't be I, it isn't I, I'm not there
yet, I'll go there now, I'll try and go
there now, not no sense in trying, I wait for
await my turn, my turn to go there,

Segment 4

[2328.2] my turn to talk there, my turn to listen
there, my turn to await there for my turn
to go, to be as gone, it takes time, it will
it's a long time, it will be a long time,
gone where, where do you go from there,
you must go elsewhere, and wait else-
where, for your turn to go again, and so on,
so on, a whole people, or I alone, no

Segment 5

[2328.2] need of another people, so on, I alone, and
come back, and begin again, now, go
on, [2328.3] it's a circuit, a long long circuit,
I know it well, I must know it well,
it's a lie, I can't stir, I haven't stirred,
I launch the voice, I hear a voice,
there is nowhere but here, there are not
two places, there are not two prisons,

Segment 6

[2328.3] it's my parlour, it's a parlour, there I
where I wait for nothing, I don't
know where it is, I don't know what
it's like, I haven't to bother about
that's no business of mine, I don't know
if it's big, or if it's small, or if it's
closed, or if it's open, [2328.4] that's right,
reiterate, that helps you on, open

Segment 7

[2328.4] on what, there is nothing else, only it,
open on the void, open on the nothing,
that's all right with me, those are

  • Segments