Digital Manuscript ProjectL'Innommable / The Unnamable

[2329.2] that's brief, and then go out, that's true
enough, if you like, one forgets, I forget,
I say I see nothing, or I say it's all
in my head, as if I felt a head on
me, that's all hypotheses, lies, these
gleams too, they were to save me, they
were to devour me, that produced nothing,
I see nothing, either because of this, or
[2329.2] else because of that, and these images
at which they watered me, like a camel,
before the desert, I don't know, more
lies, just for fun, fun, what fun we've
had, lies, that's soon said, you
must say soon, it's the regulation.
The place, I'll make it nevertheless,
I'll make in my head, I'll draw it
out of my memory, I'll draw it
to me, I'll a make myself a head,
I'll make myself a memory, I have only
to listen, the voice will tell me everything,
it will tell it to me again,
all I need, in fits and starts, breathless,
[2330.1] it's like a confession, a last confession,
you think it's finished, then it starts off
again, there were so many sins,
the memory is so bad, the words don't come,
the words fail, the breath fails, no, it's
something else, it's an indictment, a dying voice accusing, accusing
me, you must accuse someone, you must
[2330.1] find someone, a culprit is indispensable,
it speaks of my misdeeds, it speaks of my
head, it says it is mine, it says,
that I repent, that I want to be punished,
better than I am being, that I want
to go, give myself up, a victim is in-
dispensable, I have only to listen, it will
show me my hiding-place, it will show it
[2330.1] to me, what it's like, where the door is,
if there is a door, and
whereabouts I am in it, and what it's
like outside, what kind of country, whether
it's sea, or whether it's mountain,
and the path to follow, so that I can
go, escape, give myself up, come to
the place where the axe falls without further
- Segments
L'Innommable / The Unnamable © 2013 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt