Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
L'Innommable / The Unnamable


Segment 1

[2329.2] that's brief, and then go out, that's true
enough, if you like, one forgets, I forget,
I say I see nothing, or I say it's all
in my head, as if I felt a head on
me, that's all hypotheses, lies, these
gleams too, they were to save me, they
were to devour me, that produced nothing,
I see nothing, either because of this, or

Segment 2

[2329.2] else because of that, and these images where
at which they watered me, like a camel,
before the desert, I don't know, more
lies, just for fun, fun, what fun we've
had, lies, that's soon said, you
must say soon, it's the regulation.

Segment 3

[2330.1] The place, I'll make it nevertheless,
I'll make in my head, I'll draw it
out of my memory, I'll draw it towar
to me, I'll [a] make myself a head,
I'll make myself a memory, I have only
to listen, the voice will tell me everything,
tell me it will tell it to me again,
all I need, in fits and starts, breathless,

Segment 4

[2330.1] it's like a confession, a last confession,
you think it's finished, then it starts off
again, there were so many [fau] sins fau sins,
the memory is so bad, the words don't come,
the words fail, the breath fails, no, it's
something else, it's an indictment, a
a dying voice accusing, accusing
me, you must accuse someone, you must

Segment 5

[2330.1] find someone, a culprit is indispensable,
it speaks of my misdeeds, it speaks of my
head, it says it is mine, it says I repent,
that I repent, that I wish want to be punished,
better than I am being, that I want
to go, give myself up, a victim is in-
dispensable, I have only to listen, it will
show me my hiding-place, it will show it

Segment 6

[2330.1] to me, what it's like, where the door is,
if there is a door, and where I am
whereabouts I am in it, and what it's
like outside, what kind of country, whether
it's sea, or whether it's mountain,
and the path to follow, so that I can
go, escape, give myself up, come to
the place where the axe falls without further

Segment 7

[2330.1] ceremony, on all those who come from here,
[2330.2] I'm not the first, I won't be the first,
it will work its will on me in the end, it
has worked its will on others, [she] will tell
me what I have to do in order to rise, to

  • Segments