Digital Manuscript ProjectL'Innommable / The Unnamable

[2330.6] find again, then it will be he,
it will be I, it will be the place, the
silence, the end, the beginning, the
beginning again, how can I say it,
that's all words, I've nothing else,
and not much of that, the words fail,
the voice falters, so be it, I know that
well, I must know that well, it
[2330.6] will be the silence, full of murmurs,
distant cries, the customary silence,
spent listening, spent waiting, waiting
for the voice, the cries abate, like all
cries, that is to say they stop, the
murmurs cease, they give up, the
voice begins again,
it begins to try again, quick now before
[2330.6] there is none left, no voice left, nothing
left but the kernel of murmurs, distant
cries, quick now and try again, with
the words that remain, [2330.7] try what, I don't know, I've forgotten,
that doesn't matter, I never knew,
to have them carry me into my story, the
words that remain, my old story, that
[2330.7] I've forgotten, far from here, through the
noise, through the door, into the silence,
that must be it, it's too late, perhaps
it's too late, perhaps they have, how
would I know, I'll never know, in
the silence you don't know, perhaps it's
the door, perhaps I'm at the
door, that would surprise me, perhaps
[2330.7] it is I, it has been I, somewhere or
other, I can depart, all this time I've
journeyed, without knowing it, it's I
now at the door, what door, what's a door doing
here, it's the last words, the true
last, or it's the murmurs, it's going
[2330.7] to be the murmurs, I know that well, no, not even that,
you talk of murmurs, distant cries,
as long as you can talk, you talk of
them before and you talk of them
after, more lies, it will be the silence,
the one that doesn't last, spent listening,
spent waiting, for it to be broken, for
[2330.7] the voice to break it, perhaps there's no
other, I don't know, it's not worth
having, that's all I know, it's not I,
that's all I know, it's not mine,
it's the only one I ever had, that's a
lie, I must have had the other, the one
- Segments
L'Innommable / The Unnamable © 2013 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt