Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
L'Innommable / The Unnamable
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 451


L'Innommable Segment 451, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-3-10, f. 14v)

Puis il y a la façon de couler de mes larmes, que je sens qui me coulent sur toute ma la figure, des yeux jusqu'aux mâchoires, et jusque dans mon le cou, ce qui ne serait pas le cas si j'avais la tête penchée d'une façon comme elles ne sauraient le faire sur un visage penché, ou sur un visage renversé, il me semble,

L'Innommable Segment 451, version 2 (Minuit 1953, p. 35)

Puis il y a la façon de couler des larmes, qui me coulent sur toute la figure, des yeux aux mâchoires, et jusque dans le cou, comme elles ne sauraient le faire, il me semble, sur un visage penché, sur un visage renversé.

The Unnamable Segment 451, version 3 (MS-HRC-SB-5-9-1, f. 17r)

The chronology of the sentence versions relating to the first 23 pages of this manuscript differs from the chronology of the rest of the text. For a more detailed analysis: click here.

Then there is the way of flowing of my tears which flow all over my face and even down along the neck, in a way it seems to me they could not if the face were bowed, or lifted up.

The Unnamable Segment 451, version 4 (MS-HRC-SB-5-10, f. 18r)

The chronology of the sentence versions relating to the first 24 pages of this typescript differs from the chronology of the rest of the text. For a more detailed analysis: click here.

Then there is the way of flowing of my tears which flow all over my gface, and even down along the neck, in a way it seems to me they could not do, if the face were bowed, or thrown back lifted up.

The Unnamable Segment 451, version 5 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-71, f. 17r)

Then there is the way of flowing of my tears which flow all over my face, and even down along the neck, in a way it seems to me they could not do if the face were bowed, or lifted up.

The Unnamable Segment 451, version 6 (Grove Press 1958, p. 22)

Then there is the way of flowing of my tears which flow all over my face, and even down along the neck, in a way it seems to me they could not do if the face were bowed, or lifted up.

L'Innommable Segment 451, version 7 (Minuit 1971, p. 30)

Puis il y a la façon de couler des larmes, qui me coulent sur toute la figure, des yeux aux mâchoires, et jusque dans le cou, comme elles ne sauraient le faire, il me semble, sur un visage penché, sur un visage renversé.