Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
L'Innommable / The Unnamable
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 498


L'Innommable Segment 498, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-3-10, f. 17v)

Cette voix qui parle, se sachant mensongère, indifférente à ce qu'elle dit, trop vieille peut-être et trop humiliée pour jamais pouvoir dire enfin les mots qui lui peuv donnent le droit de cesser, se sachant inutile, pour rien, qui ne s'écoute pas, attentive au silence qu'elle rompt, par où un jour peut-être lui reviendraita le long soupir clair d'avent et d'adieu, en est-elle une?

L'Innommable Segment 498, version 2 (Minuit 1953, p. 40)

Cette voix qui parle, se sachant mensongère, indifférente à ce qu'elle dit, trop vieille peut-être et trop humiliée pour pouvoir jamais dire enfin les mots qui la fassent cesser, se sachant inutile, pour rien, qui ne s'écoute pas, attentive au silence qu'elle rompt, par où peut-être un jour lui reviendra le long soupir clair d'avent et d'adieu, en est-elle une?

The Unnamable Segment 498, version 3 (MS-HRC-SB-5-9-1, f. 19r)

The chronology of the sentence versions relating to the first 23 pages of this manuscript differs from the chronology of the rest of the text. For a more detailed analysis: click here.

This voice that speaks, knowing itself that it lies, indifferent to what it says, too old perhaps and too abased ever to [] be able to say the words at last that would be its last, knowing itself useless and its uselessness in vain, not listening to itself but to the silence that it breaks and whence one perhaps one day will come stealing the long clear sigh of advent and farewell, is it one?

The Unnamable Segment 498, version 4 (MS-HRC-SB-5-10, f. 21r)

The chronology of the sentence versions relating to the first 24 pages of this typescript differs from the chronology of the rest of the text. For a more detailed analysis: click here.

This voice that speaks, knowing that it lies, indifferent to what it says, too old perhaps and too abased ever to be able to say at last[] the words that would be its last, knowing itself useless and its uselessness in vain, not listening to itself but to the silence that it breaks and whence perhaps one day will come stealing the long clear sigh of advent and farewell, is it one?

The Unnamable Segment 498, version 5 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-71, f. 20r)

This voice that speaks; speaks, knowing that it lies, indifferent to what it says, too old perhaps and too abased ever to succeed in saying that the words that would be its last, knowing itself useless and its uselessness in vain, not listening to itself but to the silence that it breaks and whence perhaps one day will come stealing the long clear sigh of advent and farewell, is it one?

The Unnamable Segment 498, version 6 (Grove Press 1958, p. 26)

This voice that speaks, knowing that it lies, indifferent to what it says, too old perhaps and too abased ever to succeed in saying the words that would be its last, knowing itself useless and its uselessness in vain, not listening to itself but to the silence that it breaks and whence perhaps one day will come stealing the long clear sigh of advent and farewell, is it one?

L'Innommable Segment 498, version 7 (Minuit 1971, p. 34)

Cette voix qui parle, se sachant mensongère, indifférente à ce qu'elle dit, trop vieille peut-être et trop humiliée pour pouvoir jamais dire enfin les mots qui la fassent cesser, se sachant inutile, pour rien, qui ne s'écoute pas, attentive au silence qu'elle rompt, par où peut-être un jour lui reviendra le long soupir clair d'avent et d'adieu, en est-elle une?