Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 1623
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L'Innommable Segment 1623, loose jotting 1 (MS-HRC-SB-3-10, f. 71r)
Années plus tard intelligence assez exaspérée pour savoir que c'est une voix.

L'Innommable Segment 1623, version 2 (MS-HRC-SB-3-10, f. 70v)
Au bout de je
ne sais combien d'années, on ne me le dit
pas, j'en ai l'intelligence suffisamment
exaspérée pour savoir que c'est une voix, et
que, dans la nature dont je fais où je peux me flatter d'avoir un pied déjà, il est
d'autres bruits [⁁] des bruits autrement désagreables, qui ne tarderont pas à
se faire entendre.
L'Innommable Segment 1623, version 3 (Minuit 1953, p. 128)
Au bout de je ne sais quelle éternité, on ne me l'a pas dit, j'en ai l'intelligence suffisamment exaspérée pour savoir que c'est une voix et que, dans la nature où je peux me flatter d'avoir un pied déjà, il est des bruits autrement plus désagréables, qui ne tarderont pas à se faire entendre.

The Unnamable Segment 1623, version 4 (MS-HRC-SB-5-9-2, f. 21r)
At the end of
I know not what eternity, I don't they
don't say, this has sufficiently exasperated
my intelligence for it to grasp that here we
have a voice and that, in the natural world in
where which already I may flatter myself on having
a foot, there are other noises even more unpleasant, which will make themselves heard
before long.

The Unnamable Segment 1623, version 5 (MS-HRC-SB-5-10, f. 70r)
At the end of I know not what eternity, they don't say, this has
sufficiently exasperated my intelligence for it to grasp that
the nuisance is a voice and that, in this the realm of nature, in which I may
flatter myself already I have a foot
, there are has other noises to
[⁁] offer which are even more unpleasant, which and will not fail to make themselves heard before
long. Don't long.

The Unnamable Segment 1623, version 6 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-71, f. 70r)
At the end of I know not what eternity, they don't say, this has sufficiently exasperated my intelligence for it to grasp that the nuisance is a voice and that the realm of nature, in which I flatter myself I have a foot already, has nother noises to offer which are even more unpleasant and may be relied on to make themselves heard before long.
The Unnamable Segment 1623, version 7 (Grove Press 1958, p. 86)
At the end of I know not what eternity, they don't say, this has sufficiently exasperated my intelligence for it to grasp that the nuisance is a voice and that the realm of nature, in which I flatter myself I have a foot already, has other noises to offer which are even more unpleasant and may be relied on to make themselves heard before long.
L'Innommable Segment 1623, version 8 (Minuit 1971, p. 105)
Au bout de je ne sais quelle éternité, on ne me l'a pas dit, j'en ai l'intelligence suffisamment exaspérée pour savoir que c'est une voix et que, dans la nature où je peux me flatter d'avoir un pied déjà, il est des bruits autrement plus désagréables, qui ne tarderont pas à se faire entendre.