Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 1863
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L'Innommable Segment 1863, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-1, f. 05v)
Mais à quoi bon parler de ce qu'ils
feront, dès que Worm se mettra en marche,
pour l'amener immanquablement chez
eux, puisque Worm ne peut pas se mettre
en marche, tout en tout en en ayant
souvent envie, s'il est permis de parler
d'envie à propos de lui, et il ne l'est
pas si en parlant de lui on peut parler
d'envie, et on ne peut pas, on ne devrait
pas, mais c'est comme ça qu'il faut
en parler de lui, c'est comme ça qu'il faut lui
parler, comme s'il était en vie, comme
s'il pouvait comprendre, même si cela ne
sert à rien, et cela ne sert à rien, ils
n'ont pas idée comme cela ne sert à rien
L'Innommable Segment 1863, version 2 (Minuit 1953, p. 145)
Mais à quoi bon parler de ce qu'ils feront dès que Worm se mettra en marche, pour l'amener immanquablement chez eux, puisqu'il ne peut se mettre en marche, tout en en ayant souvent envie, si en parlant de lui on peut parler d'envie, et on ne peut pas, on ne devrait pas, mais c'est comme ça qu'il faut parler de lui, c'est comme ça qu'il faut lui parler, comme s'il était en vie, comme s'il pouvait comprendre, même si cela ne sert à rien, et cela ne sert à rien.

The Unnamable Segment 1863, version 3 (MS-HRC-SB-5-9-2, f. 30r)
But what is the good of talking about what
they will do as soon as Worm sets himself in motion,
so as to gather him without fail into their midst,
since he cannot set himself in motion, though he
often desires to, if when speaking of him one may
speak of desire, and one may not, one should not,
but there it is, that is the way to speak of him,
that is the way to speak to him, as if he were
alive, as if he could understand, even though
it serves no xxx purpose, and it serves none.

The Unnamable Segment 1863, version 4 (MS-HRC-SB-5-10, f. 80r)
But what is the good of talking about what they will do as soon as Worm sets himself in motion, so as to gather him without fail into their midst, since he cannot set himself in motion, though he often desires to, if when speaking of him one may speak of desire, and one may not, one should not, but there it is, that is the way to speak of him, that is the way to speak to him, as if he were alive, as if he could understand, even though it serves no purpose, and it serves none.

The Unnamable Segment 1863, version 5 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-71, f. 79r)
But what is the good of talking about
what they will as soon as Worm sets himself in motion, so as to
gather him without fail into their midst, since he cannot set himself in motion, though he often desires to, if when speaking of
him one may speak of desire, and one may [|] not, one should not, but
there it is, that is the way to speak of him, that is the way to
speak to him, as if he were alive, as if he could understand, as
if he could desire, even though it serves no purpose, and it serves
The Unnamable Segment 1863, version 6 (Grove Press 1958, p. 98)
But what is the good of talking about what they will do as soon as Worm sets himself in motion, so as to gather him without fail into their midst, since he cannot set himself in motion, though he often desires to, if when speaking of him one may speak of desire, and one may not, one should not, but there it is, that is the way to speak of him, that is the way to speak to him, as if he were alive, as if he could understand, as if he could desire, even if it serves no purpose, and it serves none.
L'Innommable Segment 1863, version 7 (Minuit 1971, p. 118)
Mais à quoi bon parler de ce qu'ils feront dès que Worm se mettra en marche, pour l'amener immanquablement chez eux, puisqu'il ne peut se mettre en marche, tout en en ayant souvent envie, si en parlant de lui on peut parler d'envie, et on ne peut pas, on ne devrait pas, mais c'est comme ça qu'il faut parler de lui, c'est comme ça qu'il faut lui parler, comme s'il était en vie, comme s'il pouvait comprendre, même si cela ne sert à rien, et cela ne sert à rien.