Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
L'Innommable / The Unnamable
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 2121


L'Innommable Segment 2121, loose jotting 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-1, f. 24r)

langues les mieux pendues de tous les temps.

L'Innommable Segment 2121, version 2 (MS-HRC-SB-4-1, f. 23v)

Que ne parlent-ils donc d'autre chose?, de quelque chose dont l'existence semble avoir été en quelque sorte établie, dont sur laquelle on peut bavarder sans avoir à rougir d' [] tous les 30 ou 40 000 mots d'avoir à employer un langage des idiotismes pareils, et qui, avantage garantie suprême, a bénéficié des déjà fait marcher les langues les mieux pendues de tous les temps, ça vaudrait mieux.

L'Innommable Segment 2121, version 3 (Minuit 1953, p. 173)

Que ne parlent-ils donc d'autre chose, de quelque chose dont l'existence semble en quelque sorte établie, sur laquelle on peut bavarder sans rougir tous les trente ou quarante mille mots d'avoir à employer des locutions pareilles, et qui enfin, garantie suprême, a déjà fait marcher les langues les mieux pendues de tous les temps, ça vaudrait mieux.

The Unnamable Segment 2121, version 4 (MS-HRC-SB-5-9-2, f. 46r)

Why then don't they speak of something else, something the existence of which seems in some measure established, about which one can chatter away without obvious blushing every thirty or forty thousand words at having to employ such locutions, and which moreover, supreme gua guarantee, has already caused to wag the glibbest tongues from time immemorial, that would better, xxx xxx, be preferable.

The Unnamable Segment 2121, version 5 (MS-HRC-SB-5-10, f. 96r)

Why then not speak of something else, something the existne existence of which seems in a certain measure to be already established, on the subject of which one may chatter away without blushing purple every thirty or forty thousand words at having to empoly employ such locutions, and which moreover, supreme guarantee, has already caused the glibbest tongues to wag from time immemorial, it would be preferable.

The Unnamable Segment 2121, version 6 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-71, f. 94r)

Why then not speak of something else, something the existence of which seems in a certain measure already established, on the subject of which one may catter [] chatter away without blushing purple every thirty or forty thousand words at having to employ such llocutions and which moreover, supreme guarantee, has already caused the glibbest tonhgues to wag from time immemorial, it would nbe preferable.

The Unnamable Segment 2121, version 7 (Grove Press 1958, p. 118)

Why then not speak of something else, something the existence of which seems in a certain measure already established, on the subject of which one may chatter away without blushing purple every thirty or forty thousand words at having to employ such locutions and which moreover, supreme guarantee, has caused the glibbest tongues to wag from time immemorial, it would be preferable.

L'Innommable Segment 2121, version 8 (Minuit 1971, p. 141)

Que ne parlent-ils donc d'autre chose, de quelque chose dont l'existence semble en quelque sorte établie, sur laquelle on peut bavarder sans rougir tous les trente ou quarante mille mots d'avoir à employer des locutions pareilles, et qui enfin, garantie suprême, a déjà fait marcher les langues les mieux pendues de tous les temps, ça vaudrait mieux.