Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
L'Innommable / The Unnamable
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 2147


L'Innommable Segment 2147, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-1, f. 25v)

Car Mahood demeurera là, fourré jusqu'aux cheveux crâne dans son vase, en face de l'abattoir, sans parole ni geste [] [] x ni jeux de physionomie, elle n'est pas joueuse, suppliant les passants de le remarquer percevoir ouvertement, en même temps que le menu, ou indépendamment, on ne sait plus pourquoi, pour pouvoir se croire dans le bain, c'est à dire promis au vidange, tôt ou tard, ça doit être ça, on peut x' avoir des idées pareilles, sans penser.

L'Innommable Segment 2147, version 2 (Minuit 1953, p. 177)

Ça ne fait rien, Mahood demeurera, là où on l'a mis, fourré jusqu'au crâne dans son vase, en face de l'abattoir, suppliant les passants, sans parole ni geste ni jeu de physionomie, elle n'est pas joueuse, de le percevoir ouvertement, en même temps que le plat du jour, ou séparément, on ne sait pas pourquoi, pour pouvoir se croire dans le bain, c'est-à-dire promis à la vidange, tôt ou tard, ça doit être ça, on peut avoir des idées pareilles, sans penser.

The Unnamable Segment 2147, version 3 (MS-HRC-SB-5-9-3, f. 02r)

No matter. Mahood will stay where he was put, stuck up to his skull in his vase, opposite the shambles, supplicating the passers-by, xx without a word or a gesture or any play of features, they're not playful, to perceive him visibly, at the same time as the day's dish, or independly, independently, for reasons unknown, perhaps in order to believe himself in the swim, that is to say sure to sink, sooner or later, that must be it, such ideas notions may be entertained, without thought thinking.

The Unnamable Segment 2147, version 4 (MS-HRC-SB-5-10, f. 98r)

xNo matter. Mahood will stay where he was put, stuck up to his skull in his vase, opposite the shambles, beseeching the passers-by, without a word, or a gesture, or any play of features, they're not playful don't play, for someone to perceive him visibly ostensibly, at the same time as concomitantly with the day's dish, or independlydently, for reasons unknown, perhaps in the hope of being proven in the swim, that is to say guaranteed to sink, sooner or later, that must be it, such notions may be entertained, without any porrocess of thought.

The Unnamable Segment 2147, version 5 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-71, f. 96r)

No matter. Mahood will stay where he was put, stuck up to his skull in his vxxs vase, opposite the shambles, beseeching the passers-by, without a word, or a gesture, or any play of features his features, they don't play, to perceive him ostensibly, concomitantly with the day's dish, or independently, for reasons unknown, perhaps in the hope of being proven in the swim, that is to say guaranteed to sink, sooner or later, that must be it, such notions may be entertained, without any process of thxought.

The Unnamable Segment 2147, version 6 (Grove Press 1958, p. 120)

No matter, Mahood will stay where he was put, stuck up to his skull in his vase, opposite the shambles, beseeching the passers-by, without a word, or a gesture, or any play of his features, they don't play, to perceive him ostensibly, concomitantly with the day's dish, or independently, for reasons unknown, perhaps in the hope of being proven in the swim, that is to say guaranteed to sink, sooner or later, that must be it, such notions may be entertained, without any process of thought.

L'Innommable Segment 2147, version 7 (Minuit 1971, p. 144)

Ça ne fait rien, Mahood demeurera, là où on l'a mis, fourré jusqu'au crâne dans son vase, en face de l'abattoir, suppliant les passants, sans parole ni geste ni jeu de physionomie, elle n'est pas joueuse, de le percevoir ouvertement, en même temps que le plat du jour, ou séparément, on ne sait pas pourquoi, pour pouvoir se croire dans le bain, c'est-à-dire promis à la vidange, tôt ou tard, ça doit être ça, on peut avoir des idées pareilles, sans penser.