Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
L'Innommable / The Unnamable
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 2181

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L'Innommable Segment 2181, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-1, f. 32v)

Ou si c'est un seul, il pourra s'en aller, sans avoir rien à se reprocher crainte de remords, ayant perdu son temps à faire l'impossible, et au delà, ou il pourra rester ici avec moi, ça pourrait lui arriver, j'aurais ça me ferait un semblable, ce serait épatant, mon premier semblable, ça ferait date, non, xx me savoir un semblable, non, je ne saurais rien, ça ne fait rien, ce serait épatant quand même, d'avoir un semblable, un congénère, il n'aurait pas besoin de me ressembler, qu'est-ce que je dis, il là, il me ressemblerait forcément, il n'aurait qu'à se laisser aller, se laisser tomber, il pourrait croire tout ce qu'il voudrait, sur le moment, qu'il n'en pouvait plus, ou que l'endroit l'avait xxx lui plaisait, il pourrait même s'écrier, Je n'irai pas plus loin, xx xx ayant l'habitude d'annoncer d'annoncer ses décisions, à haute voix, pour mieux les connaître, il pourrait même ajouter, [] [] à toutes fins utiles, un cas où il changerait d'avis Pour l'instant, [] [] tout au moins, ce serait sa dernière bêtise, il n'aurait qu'à se laisser aller, il disparaîtrait, il ne saurait rien non plus, nous serions là tous les deux, chacun à son insu, à l'insu l'un de l'autre, c'est un excellent beau rêve que je viens de faire là, un excellent rêve. épatant. [2181|001] Puis un autre s'amènerait, à la recherche de son xxx, x essaierait viendrait, à la recherche de W, xxx je suis M, lui raconterait des histoires, lui ferait des propositions alléchantes essaierait de le faire servir, de l'avoir par la bande, à coups de cajolerie, de menaces,

L'Innommable Segment 2181, version 2 (Minuit 1953, p. 186)

Ou si c'est un seul, comme moi, il pourra partir, sans crainte de remords, ayant perdu sa vie à faire l'impossible, et au delà, ou rester ici avec moi, ça pourrait lui arriver, ça me ferait un semblable, ce serait épatant, mon premier semblable, ça ferait date, me savoir un semblable, non, je ne saurais rien, ça ne fait rien, ce serait épatant quand même, un semblable, un congénère, il n'aurait pas besoin de me ressembler, il me ressemblerait, forcément, il n'aurait qu'à se laisser aller, il pourrait croire tout ce qu'il voudrait, sur le moment, qu'il n'en pouvait plus, ou que l'endroit lui plaisait, il pourrait même s'écrier, Je n'irai pas plus loin, ayant l'habitude d'annoncer ses décisions, à haute voix, pour mieux les connaître, il pourrait même ajouter, à toutes fins utiles, Pour l'instant, ce serait sa dernière bêtise, il n'aurait qu'à se laisser aller, il disparaîtrait, il ne saurait rien non plus, nous serions là tous les deux, chacun à son insu, à l'insu l'un de l'autre, c'est un beau rêve que je viens de faire là, un excellent rêve.

The Unnamable Segment 2181, version 3 (MS-HRC-SB-5-9-3, f. 07r)

If Or if there is only one, like me, he can depart without fear of remorse, having wasted his life on an impossibility done all he could, and even more, to achieve the impossibility, and so lost his life, or stay here with me, that might befall him, and be a like for me, that would be jolly stunning, my first like, that would be epoch-making, to know I had a like, no, I'd know nothing, no matter, it would be jolly (stunning) all the same, a like, a congener, he wouldn't need have to be like me, he couldn't but be like me, he need only relax he would he need only relax, he could believe what he liked for whatever he liked, believe what he liked, at the time, that he could bear no more, or that the place was charming, he might even exclaim, I'll settle down here, being used to proclaiming his decisions to announcing his decisions, in a loud voice at the top of his voice, and so get to know them better, he might even add, to cover all eventualities, For the moment, it would be his last ix imbecility, he need only relax, he'd disappear, he'd know nothing either, there we'd be the two of us, unkn unbeknownst to ourselves, unbeknownst to each other, that's a darling I've had, an that's a darling dream I've been having, a perf very excellent dream.

The Unnamable Segment 2181, version 4 (MS-HRC-SB-5-10, f. 104r)

And if there is only one, like me, he can depart without fear of remorse, having done all he could, and even more, to achiecve the impossible and so losrt his life, or stayw with me here, and be my like that may befall him, he might do that, and be a like for me, that would be stunning delightful, my first like, that would be epoch-making, to know I had a like, a congener, he wouldn't have to be like me, he couldn't be but be like me, he need only relax, , he might believe what he pleased, at the outset, that he could was bear no more in hell, or that the place was charming, he might even exclaim, I'll settle down here never stir again, being used to announcing his decisions, at the top of his voice, and so thus get to know them better, he might even add, to cover all eventualit- risks ies, For the moment, it would be his last bit of balderdash inanity, he need only relax, he'd disappear, he would he'd know nothing either, there would we'd be the two of us, unbeknownst to ourselves, unbeknownst to each other, that's a darling dream I've been having, a very excellent broth of a dream.

The Unnamable Segment 2181, version 5 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-71, f. 101r)

And if there is only one, like me, he can depart without fear of remorse, having done all he could, and even more, to achieve the impossible and so lost his life, or stay with me here, he might do that, and be a like for me, that would be lovely, my first like, that would be se[e]poch-making, to know I had a like, a congener, he wouldn't have to be like me, he couldn't but be like me, he need only relax, he might believe what he pleased, at the outset, that he was in hell, or that the place was charming, he might even exclaim, I'll never stir again, being used to announcing his decisions, at the top of his voice, so as to[/] get to know them better, he might even add, to cover all risks For the mome,nt, it would be his last howler, he need only relax, he'd disappear, he'd know nothing either, there we'd be the two of us, unbeknown to ourselves, unbeknown to each other, that's a darling dream I've been having, a broth of a dream.

The Unnamable Segment 2181, version 6 (Grove Press 1958, p. 127)

And if there is only one, like me, he can depart without fear of remorse, having done all he could, and even more, to achieve the impossible and so lost his life, or stay with me here, he might do that, and be a like for me, that would be lovely, my first like, that would be epoch-making, to know I had a like, a congener, he wouldn't have to be like me, he couldn't but be like me, he need only relax, he might believe what he pleased, at the outset, that he was in hell, or that the place was charming, he might even exclaim, I'll never stir again, being used to announcing his decisions, at the top of his voice, so as to get to know them better, he might even add, to cover all risks, For the moment, it would be his last howler, he need only relax, he'd disappear, he'd know nothing either, there we'd be the two of us, unbeknown to ourselves, unbeknown to each other, that's a darling dream I've been having, a broth of a dream.

L'Innommable Segment 2181, version 7 (Minuit 1971, p. 152)

Ou si c'est un seul, comme moi, il pourra partir, sans crainte de remords, ayant perdu sa vie à faire l'impossible, et au-delà, ou rester ici avec moi, ça pourrait lui arriver, ça me ferait un semblable, ce serait épatant, mon premier semblable, ça ferait date, me savoir un semblable, non, je ne saurais rien, ça ne fait rien, ce serait épatant quand même, un semblable, un congénère, il n'aurait pas besoin de me ressembler, il me ressemblerait, forcément, il n'aurait qu'à se laisser aller, il pourrait croire tout ce qu'il voudrait, sur le moment, qu'il n'en pouvait plus, ou que l'endroit lui plaisait, il pourrait même s'écrier, Je n'irai pas plus loin, ayant l'habitude d'annoncer ses décisions, à haute voix, pour mieux les connaître, il pourrait même ajouter, à toutes fins utiles, Pour l'instant, ce serait sa dernière bêtise, il n'aurait qu'à se laisser aller, il disparaîtrait, il ne saurait rien non plus, nous serions là tous les deux, chacun à son insu, à l'insu l'un de l'autre, c'est un beau rêve que je viens de faire là, un excellent rêve.