Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
L'Innommable / The Unnamable
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 2227


L'Innommable Segment 2227, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-1, f. 49v)

Mais Murphy et les autres, à finir par Mahood et Worm, ne pouvaient les arrêter, les choses qui m'arrivaient, il ne leur arrivait rien non plus, rien de ce qui m'arrivait, rien d'autre, il n'y a rien d'autre, ne nous payons pas de mots, rien d'autre que ce qui m'arrive, c'est déjà pas mal, rien que les choses qui m'arrivent, qui ne peuvent pas m'arriver, qui rôdent autour de la moi, comme des corps en peine, en peine de se fixer, en peine de s'arrêter, non, comme des hyènes, hurlant et riant, non plus, ça ne fout rien, je leur ai fermé mes portes, je n'y suis pour rien, mes portes leur sont fermées, c'est peut-être là le silence, là la paix, ouvrir ses portes et se laisser dévorer, elles s'arrêteraient de parler, elles se mettraient à manger, les bouches qui aboient, Ouvrez! Sortez! Vous serez bien, vous verrez,.

L'Innommable Segment 2227, version 2 (Minuit 1953, p. 213)

Mais Murphy et les autres, à finir par nos deux gaillards, ne pouvaient les arrêter, les choses qui m'arrivaient, à eux non plus il ne pouvait rien arriver, rien de ce qui m'arrivait, rien d'autre non plus, il n'y a rien d'autre, ne nous payons plus de mots, que les choses qui m'arrivent, comme d'entendre, comme de parler, comme de chercher, qui ne peuvent pas m'arriver, qui rôdent autour de moi, comme des corps en peine, en peine de se fixer, en peine de s'arrêter, non, comme des hyènes, hurlant et riant, non plus, tant pis, je leur ai fermé mes portes, je n'y suis pour rien, mes portes leur sont fermées, c'est peut-être là le silence, là la paix, ouvrir ses portes et se laisser dévorer, elles s'arrêteraient d'aboyer, elles se mettraient à manger, les gueules qui aboient, Ouvrez, ouvrez, vous serez bien, vous verrez.

The Unnamable Segment 2227, version 3 (MS-HRC-SB-5-9-3, f. 23r)

But Murphy and the others, includ and last but not least our the two boyos hearties here present, could not stop them, the things that happened to me, nothing could happen to them either, of the things that happened to me, and nothing else either, there is nothing else, let us be lucid for once, nothing else but what happens to me, such as speaking, seeking, and which cannot happen to me, which prowl around me, like bodies in torment, the torment of no abode, no repose, xxx no, like hyenas, howling and laughing, no, no better, no matter, I've closed shut my doors against them, I'm not at home for anything, my doors are shut against them, perhaps that's how I'll find silence, and peace, by opening my doors and letting myself be devoured, they'll stop growling howling, they'll start eating, the xxxling maws maws howling, Open, open, you'll be all right, you'll see.

The Unnamable Segment 2227, version 4 (MS-HRC-SB-5-10, f. 119r)

But Murphy and the others, and last but not least the two boyos scarecrows [] hearties here present, could not stop them, the things that happened to me, nothing could happen to them, of the things that happened to me, and nothing else either, there is nothing else, let me uds be lucid for once, nothing else but what happens to me, such as speaking, and such as seeking, and which cannot have happen to me, which prowl around me, like bodies in torment, the torment of no abode, no repose, no, like hyenas, howling and laughing, no, no better, no matter, I've shut my doors against them, I'm not at home for to anything, my doors are shut against them, perhaps that's how I'll find silence, and peace, by opening my doors and letting myself be devoured, wolfed devoured, they'll stop howling, they'll start eating, the maws now howling, Open up, open up, you'll be all right, you'll see.

The Unnamable Segment 2227, version 5 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-71, f. 115r)

But Murphy and the others, and last but not least the two jokers old ba old buffers [buffers] here present, could not stop them, the things that happened to me, nothing could ahappen to them, of the things that happened to me, and nothing else either, there is nothing else, let us be ludi lucid for once, nothing else but what happens to me, such as speaking, and such as seeking, and which cannot happen to me, which prowl round me, like bodies in torment, the torment of no abode, no repose, no, like hyenas, screeching and laughing, no, no better, no matter, I've shut my doors against them, I'm not at home to anything, my doors are shut against them, perhaps that's how I'll find silence, and peace at last, by opening my doors and letting myseklf be devoured, they'll stop howling, the thzey'll start eating, the maws now howling, Open up, open up, you'll be all right, you'll see.

The Unnamable Segment 2227, version 6 (Grove Press 1958, p. 145)

But Murphy and the others, and last but not least the two old buffers here present, could not stop them, the things that happened to me, nothing could happen to them, of the things that happened to me, and nothing else either, there is nothing else, let us be lucid for once, nothing else but what happens to me, such as speaking, and such as seeking, and which cannot happen to me, which prowl round me, like bodies in torment, the torment of no abode, no repose, no, like hyenas, screeching and laughing, no, no better, no matter, I've shut my doors against them, I'm not at home to anything, my doors are shut against them, perhaps that's how I'll find silence, and peace at last, by opening my doors and letting myself be devoured, they'll stop howling, they'll start eating, the maws now howling. Open up, open up, you'll be all right, you'll see.

L'Innommable Segment 2227, version 7 (Minuit 1971, p. 174)

Mais Murphy et les autres, à finir par nos deux gaillards, ne pouvaient les arrêter, les choses qui m'arrivaient, à eux non plus il ne pouvait rien arriver, rien de ce qui m'arrivait, rien d'autre non plus, il n'y a rien d'autre, ne nous payons plus de mots, que les choses qui m'arrivent, comme d'entendre, comme de parler, comme de chercher, qui ne peuvent pas m'arriver, qui rôdent autour de moi, comme des corps en peine, en peine de se fixer, en peine de s'arrêter, non, comme des hyènes, hurlant et riant, non plus, tant pis, je leur ai fermé mes portes, je n'y suis pour rien, mes portes leur sont fermées, c'est peut-être là le silence, là la paix, ouvrir ses portes et se laisser dévorer, elles s'arrêteraient d'aboyer, elles se mettraient à manger, les gueules qui aboient, Ouvrez, ouvrez, vous serez bien, vous verrez.