Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 2272
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L'Innommable Segment 2272, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-3-10, f. 78r)
La prochaine
fois je ne donnerai pas tant de mal peine, je
raconterai les xx une vieille histoire de M...,
sans me fatiguer, je ne m'occuperai plus de moi,
sachant que quoique je dise le résultat est sera
le même, que je ne me tairai jamais, que
je n'aurais jamais la paix.
L'Innommable Segment 2272, version 2 (Minuit 1953, p. 219)
La prochaine fois je ne me donnerai pas tant de peine, je raconterai une vieille histoire de Mahood, n'importe laquelle, elles sont toutes pareilles, sans me fatiguer, je ne m'occuperai plus de moi, je saurai que quoi que je dise le résultat sera le même, que je ne me tairai jamais, que je n'aurai jamais la paix.

The Unnamable Segment 2272, version 3 (MS-HRC-SB-5-9-3, f. 26r)
The next time I won't go to such pains,
I'll tell an old story about Mahood,
one of Mahood's old tales, no matter which,
they are all the same, they won't tire me,
I won't bother any more about me, I'll know
that whatever I say the result will be the
same, that I'll never be silent, never
at peace.

The Unnamable Segment 2272, version 4 (MS-HRC-SB-5-10, f. 122r)
The next
time I won't go to such pains, I'll tell one of Mahood's old
tales, no matter which, they are all the same, they won't tire
me, I won't bother any more about me, I'll know that whatever I
say the result is the same, that iI'll never be silent, neve r never at peace.

The Unnamable Segment 2272, version 5 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-71, f. 119r)
The next tilme I won't go to such pains,
I'll tell one of Mahood's old tales, no matter which, they are all
the same alike, they won't tire me, I won't bother any more about me,
I'll know that whatever I say the result is the same, that
I'll never be silent, never at peace.
The Unnamable Segment 2272, version 6 (Grove Press 1958, p. 150)
The next time I won't go to such pains, I'll tell one of Mahood's old tales, no matter which, they are all alike, they won't tire me, I won't bother any more about me, I'll know that no matter what I say the result is the same, that I'll never be silent, never at peace.
L'Innommable Segment 2272, version 7 (Minuit 1971, p. 179)
La prochaine fois je ne me donnerai pas tant de peine, je raconterai une vieille histoire de Mahood, n'importe laquelle, elles sont toutes pareilles, sans me fatiguer, je ne m'occuperai plus de moi, je saurai que quoi que je dise le résultat sera le même, que je ne me tairai jamais, que je n'aurai jamais la paix.