Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 2320
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L'Innommable Segment 2320, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-1, f. 63v)
Etranger, ces phrases
qui meurent xxx on ne sait pourquoi, qu'est-ce
que ça a d'étrange, ici tout est étrange,
tout est étrange quand j'y pense, non, c'est y
penser qui est étrange, dois-je supposer que
je suis habité, je ne veux peux rien supposer, je
n'ai à rien supposer, j'ai à continuer, c'est ce que je fais, aux autres les suppositions, il
doit y avoir d'autres dans d'autres d'ailleurs,
chacun dans son petit ailleurs, ce mot dans qui
revient, chacun se disant, quand l'instant
vient, l'instant de le dire, Peut-être qu'il
y a d'autres dans d'autres ailleurs Aux autres les
suppositions, et ainsi de suite, ainsi de suite,
aux autres ceci, aux autres cela, s'il y en a,
ça fait continuer, quoiqu'on dise ça fait
continuer, ça fait avancer, moi je crois
au progrès, je sais croire aussi, on a dû m'apprendre
à croire aussi,.et le retour en arrière j'y
crois aussi, quoi encore, tourner en rond,
si vous voulez, ça doit xxxter.
L'Innommable Segment 2320, version 2 (Minuit 1953, p. 237)
Etrange, ces phrases qui meurent on ne sait pourquoi, étrange, qu'est-ce que ça a d'étrange, ici tout est étrange, tout est étrange quand on y pense, non, c'est y penser qui est étrange, dois-je supposer que je suis habité, je ne peux rien supposer, j'ai à continuer, c'est ce que je fais, aux autres les suppositions, il doit y avoir d'autres dans d'autres ailleurs, chacun dans son petit ailleurs, ce mot dans qui revient, chacun se disant, quand l'instant vient, l'instant de le dire, Aux autres les suppositions, et ainsi de suite, ainsi de suite, aux autres ceci, aux autres cela, s'il y en a, ça fait continuer, quoi qu'on dise ça fait continuer, ça fait avancer, moi je crois au progrès, je sais croire aussi, on a dû m'apprendre à croire aussi.

The Unnamable Segment 2320, version 3 (MS-HRC-SB-5-9-3, f. 38r)
Strange, these phrases
that die you know not why for no reason, strange,
what's strange about it, here all is
strange, all is strange when you come
to think of it, no, it's thinking coming to
think [⁁] of it that
is strange, am I to suppose I am
possessed, I can't suppose anything, I
have to go on, that's what I'm doing,
let others suppose, there must be others
in other elsewheres, each one in his
little elsewhere, this word that keeps
coming back, each one saying to himself,
when the moment comes, the moment to
say it, Let others suppose, and so on,
so on, let others do this, let others do that
if there are any, that enables you to go on
xx helps you on, you can say what you
like, that helps you on, that helps you
forward, I believe in progress, I
know how to believe too, they must
have taught me how to believe too.

The Unnamable Segment 2320, version 4 (MS-HRC-SB-5-10, f. 133r)
Strange, these phrases that die for no reason, strange,
what's strange about it, here all is strange, all is strange
when you come to think of it, no, it's coming to think of it that
is strange, am I to suppose I am possessed inhabited, I can't suppose
anything, I have to go on, that's what I'm doing, let others
suppose, there must be others in other elsewheres, each one in
his little elsewhere, this word that keeps coming back, each
one saying to himself, when the moment comes, the moment to say
it, Let others suppose, and so on, so on, let others do this,
let tothers do that, if there are any, that helps you on, you can
say what you like, that helps you on, that helps you forward, I
believe in progress, I know how to believe too, they must have
taiught me how to believe believing too. ,

The Unnamable Segment 2320, version 5 (MS-HRC-SB-5-10, f. EXTRACT2-03r)
Strange, these phrases that die for no reason, strange, what's strange about it, here all is strange, all is strange when you come to think of it, no, it's coming to think of it that is strange, am I to suppose I am inhabited, I can't suppose anything, I have to go on, that's what I'm doing, let others suppose, there must be others in other elsewheres, each one in his little elsewhere, this word that keeps coming back, each one saying to himself, when the moment comes, the moment to say it, Let others suppose, and so on, so on, let others do this, others do that, if there are any, that helps you on, that helps you forward, I believe in progress, I know how to believe too, they must have taught me believing too,

The Unnamable Segment 2320, version 6 (MS-HRC-TQ-2-18-1, f. 03r)
Strange, these phrases that die for no reason, strange, what's strange about it, here all is strange, all is strange when you come to think of it, no, it's coming to think of it that is strange, am I to suppose I am inhabited, I can't suppose anything, I have to go on, that's what I'm doing, let others suppose, there must be others in other elsewheres, each one in his little elsewhere, this word that keeps coming back, each one saying to himself, when the moment comes, the moment to say it, Let others suppose, and so on, so on, let others do this, others do that, if there are any, that helps you on, that helps you forward, I believe in progress, I know how to believe too, they must have taught me believing too,

The Unnamable Segment 2320, version 7 (MS-HRC-TQ-2-18-2, f. 07r)
Strange, these phrases that die for no reason, strange,
what's strange about it, here all is strange, all is strange
when you come to think of it, no, it's coming to think of
it that is strange, am I to suppose I am inhabited, I can't
suppose anything, I have to go on, that's what I'm doing,
let others suppose, there mjust be others in other elsewheres,
each one in his leittle elsewhere, this word that keeps
coming back, each one saying to himself, when the moment
comes, the moment to say it, Let others suppose, and so on,
so on, let others do this, others do that, if there are any,
that helps you on, that helps you forward, I believe in
progress, I know how to believe too, they must have taught
me believing too,

The Unnamable Segment 2320, version 8 (MS-HRC-TQ-2-18-3, f. 03r)
Strange, these phrases that die for no reason, strange, what's strange about it, here all is strange, all is strange when you come to think of it, no, it's coming to think of it that is strange, am I to suppose I am inhabited, I can't suppose anything, I have to go on, that's what I'm doing, let others suppose, there must be others in other elsewheres, each one in his little elsewhere, this word that keeps coming back, each one saying to himself, when the moment comes, the moment to say it, Let others suppose, and so on, so on, let others do this, others do that, if there are any, that helps you on, that helps you forward, I believe in progress, I know how to believe too, they must have taught me believing too,
The Unnamable Segment 2320, version 9 (Texas Quarterly, p. 131)
Strange, these phrases that die for no reason, strange, what's strange about it, here all is strange, all is strange when you come to think of it, no, it's coming to think of it that is strange, am I to suppose I am inhabited, I can't suppose anything, I have to go on, that's what I'm doing, let others suppose, there must be others in other elsewheres, each one in his little elsewhere, this word that keeps coming back, each one saying to himself, when the moment comes, the moment to say it, Let others suppose, and so on, so on, let others do this, others do that, if there are any, that helps you on, that helps you forward, I believe in progress, I know how to believe too, they must have taught me believing too,

The Unnamable Segment 2320, version 10 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-71, f. 128r)
these phrases that die for no reason, strange, what's strange about
it, here all is strange, all is strangex when you come to think of it, no, it's coming to think of it that is[|___Start] strange, am I to suppose
I am inhabited, I can't suppose [|] anything,
I have to go on, that's
what I'm doing, let others suppose, there must be others in other
elsewheres, each one in his little elsewhere, this word that keeps
coming back, each one saying to himself, when the moment comes,
the moment to say it, Let others suppose, and so on, so on, let
others do this, others do that, if there are any, that helps you
on, that helps you forward, I believe in progress, I know how to
believe too, they must have taught me believing too,
The Unnamable Segment 2320, version 11 (Grove Press 1958, p. 162)
Strange, these phrases that die for no reason, strange, what's strange about it, here all is strange, all is strange when you come to think of it, no, it's coming to think of it that is strange, am I to suppose I am inhabited, I can't suppose anything, I have to go on, that's what I'm doing, let others suppose, there must be others in other elsewheres, each one in his little elsewhere, this word that keeps coming back, each one saying to himself, when the moment comes, the moment to say it, Let others suppose, and so on, so on, let others do this, others do that, if there are any, that helps you on, that helps you forward, I believe in progress, I know how to believe too, they must have taught me believing too,
L'Innommable Segment 2320, version 12 (Minuit 1971, p. 193)
Étrange, ces phrases qui meurent on ne sait pourquoi, étrange, qu'est-ce que ça a d'étrange, ici tout est étrange, tout est étrange quand on y pense, non, c'est y penser qui est étrange, dois-je supposer que je suis habité, je ne peux rien supposer, j'ai à continuer, c'est ce que je fais, aux autres les suppositions, il doit y avoir d'autres dans d'autres ailleurs, chacun dans son petit ailleurs, ce mot dans qui revient, chacun se disant, quand l'instant vient, l'instant de le dire, Aux autres les suppositions, et ainsi de suite, ainsi de suite, aux autres ceci, aux autres cela, s'il y en a, ça fait continuer, quoi qu'on dise ça fait continuer, ça fait avancer, moi je crois au progrès, je sais croire aussi, on a dû m'apprendre à croire aussi.