Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Krapp's Last Tape / La Dernière Bande


Segment 1

[0065] [blankly] before him. [0065|001] Finally, [softer].)
[0065|002] PPassim! [0082] (He turns back to
table, starts up machine, crouches
down over tape, cupping his [ear] ,
his face turned front.

Segment 2

[0083] Tape (strong young voice, unmistakably [A's]
at a much earlier time
[0084] This day,
being in the third - [xxx]

Segment 3

[0085] Settling himself more comfortably
[A] knocks a box off the table on to
the floor. He curses, stops the
machine, sweeps boxes and
ledger violently off the table,
[turns] [] [ADDITION]Addition on page 11vturns back tape to beginning starts up the machine again,
resumes his pose.

Segment 4

[0085|001] Tape This day This day, being in the
third -

Segment 5

[0085|002] The weight of boxes and ledger
off the table he feels it unsteady
on its legs, [curses], stops the
machine, tries to steady it,
fails, gets up and carries it
[laboriously] towards front. [This]
brings [him] out of zone of light.

Segment 6

[0085|003] He sets down table in shadow,
goes [back] [into] for chair, carries
it to table and sits down in
shadow. The light moves
and [comes to rest] on him in
his new position.

Segment 7

[0085|004] [He] is now
[say] a yard or so from edge
of stage. He makes sure
the table is firmly on its
legs, turns back tape to
beginning, resumes his

  • Segments