Digital Manuscript ProjectKrapp's Last Tape / La Dernière Bande

Among the immovable masses
of a being set aside, closed [place = supralinear] shut [place = supralinear] pent up
and in for ever on itself,
pathless, airless, cyclopean a flare of flames and [place = supralinear] being [place = supralinear] placi [place = supralinear] lit fitfully xxx [place = supralinear] the fit the colours of [place = supralinear] the fitful fires of the spectrum of
An Endless unveiling
veil after [place = supralinear] beyond veil,
plane after
plane of imp imperfect
transparency, an unveiling
towards the unveilable, the
nothing, the thing again.
And b [place = overwritten] Burial in oneness [place = supralinear] the only, in the a space of [place = supralinear] xxx with impenetrable closeness [place = supralinear] imminence [place = supralinear] closeness, cell cell painted
on the xxx stone of cell,
art of incarceration.
- Segments
- Doodles
- Titles
Krapp's Last Tape / La Dernière Bande © 2015 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle and Vincent Neyt