Digital Manuscript ProjectKrapp's Last Tape / La Dernière Bande

Should Kra Krapp move away
from table when standing?
[place = supralinear] To stool front, on which he has left
uneaten banana?
Then hasten back to put on
other reel?
Or stay at table for recording?
Do not remove lid of machine, x xxing thus unxxx
hidden from majority of
K. x [place = supralinear] only appears to load tape
on machine. Actually it is inxxx already [place = supralinear] ready loaded.
Thus [place = supralinear] Similar he [⁁] [place = supralinear] only appears to change reels
when he wishes to record.
Actually he leaves in position the tape [place = supralinear] reel already loaded
Similarly [place = supralinear] at the end only he [place = supralinear] only appears to change
reels again.
Objection: The raised lid will
obscure Krapp's face
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Krapp's Last Tape / La Dernière Bande © 2015 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle and Vincent Neyt