Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 82
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Krapp's Last Tape Segment 82, version 1 (MS-UoR-1227-7-7-1, f. 12r)
(He turns back to table, starts up machine, crouches down over tape, cupping his ear , his face turned front.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 82, version 2 (MS-UoR-1227-7-7-1, f. 11v)
He closes ledger, bends over machine, switches it on, takes up listening posture, i.e. ear cupped towards ear cupped towards machine, face front.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 82, version 3 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-2, f. 1r)
He broods, closes ledger, bends over machine, switches it on and assumes listening posture, ;i.e. ear cupped towards machine, face front. ear pulled with leaning forward, elbows on table, ear pulled with forefinger toward hand cupping ear, face front.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 82, version 4 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-3, f. 2r)
He raises his head, broods, bends over machine, switches it on and assumes listening posture, i.e. leaning forward, elbows on table, hands cupping ear towards machine, face front.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 82, version 5 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-4, f. 2r)
He raises his head, broods, bends over machine, switches it on and assumes listening posture, i.e. leaning forward, elbows on table, hand cupping ear towards machine, face front.)

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 82, version 6 (MS-UoR-1659, f. 2r)
He raises his head, broods, bends over machine, switches on and assumes listening posture, i.e. leaning forward, elbows on table, hand cupping ear towards machine, face front.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 82, version 7 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-5, f. 2r)
He raises his head, broods, bends over machine, switches on and assumes listening posture, i.e. leaning forward, elbows on table, hand cupping ear towards machine, face front.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 82, version 8 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-7, f. 5r)
He raises his head, broods, bends over machine, switches on and assumes listening posture, i.e. leaning forward, elbows on table, hand cupping ear towards machine, face front.)[₰]
Krapp's Last Tape Segment 82, version 9 (Faber and Faber 1959, p. 11)
He raises his head, broods, bends over machine, switches on and assumes listening posture, i.e. leaning forward, elbows on table, hand cupping ear towards machine, face front.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 82, version 10 (MS-SYR-GP-95, f. 13r)
He raises his head, broods, bends over machine, switches on and assumes listening posture, i.e. leaning forward, elbows on table, hand cupping ear towards machine, face front.

La Dernière Bande Segment 82, version 11 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-6, f. 2r)
Il lève la tête, rêvasse, se penche sur l'appareil, le branche et prend une posture d'écoute, c'est à dire penché le buste incliné en avant, les coudes sur la table, la main en cornet dans la direction de l'appareil, le visage face à la salle.
La Dernière Bande Segment 82, version 12 (Les Lettres Nouvelles, p. 7)
Il lève la tête, rêvasse, se penche sur l'appareil, le branche et prend une posture d'écoute, c'est-à-dire le buste incliné en avant, les coudes sur la table, la main en cornet dans la direction de l'appareil, le visage face à la salle.
La Dernière Bande Segment 82, version 13 (Minuit 1959, p. 13)
Il lève la tête, rêvasse, se penche sur l'appareil, le branche et prend une posture d'écoute, c'est-à-dire le buste incliné en avant, les coudes sur la table, la main en cornet dans la direction de l'appareil, le visage face à la salle.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 82, version 14 (MS-HRC-SB-5-4, f. 14r)
(He raises his head, broods, bends over machine, switches on and assumes listening posture, i.e. leaning forward, elbows on table, hand cupping ear towards machine, face front. [0082|001] (Action interrupted by first look over left shoulder into darkness backstage) )