Samuel Beckett: Digital Manuscript Project
Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Krapp's Last Tape / La Dernière Bande
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 246


Krapp's Last Tape Segment 246, version 1 (MS-UoR-1227-7-7-1, f. 16r)

This, is what I have I realized in the Winehouse, is what I have chiefly to record this evening against the day when all my work is will be done and perhaps no place in my place left in my memory for of the wonder that made it possible place left in my memory, and no thankfulness for the wonder that made it possible.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 246, version 2 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-1, f. 2r)

This, I realized over my wine, I imagine is what I have chiefly to record set down this evening, against the day when my work will be done and perhaps no place left in my memory, and no thankfulness, fotr ethe moment miracle that -made it possible[]. - (Pause) - for the fire that set it alight.[]

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 246, version 3 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-2, f. 3r)

This I imagine is what I hacve chiefly to set down this evening, against the day when my work will be done and perhaps no place left in my memory, and no thankfulness, for the miracle that - -( pause) - forr the fire that set it alight.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 246, version 4 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-3, f. 4r)

This I imagine is what I have chiefly to set down this evening, against the day when my work will be done and perhaps no place left in my memory, and no thankfulness, fot eh for the miravcle that - for the fire that set it alight that - that...(hesitates)...for the fire that set it alight.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 246, version 5 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-4, f. 4r)

This I imagine is what I have chiefly to record this evening, against the day when my work will be done and perhaps no place left in my memory, nor no warm or cold place, for the miracle that...(hesitates)...for the fire that set it alight.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 246, version 6 (MS-UoR-1659, f. 5r)

This I imagine fancy is what I have chiefly to record this evening, against the day when my work will be done and perhaps no place left in my memory, warm or cold, for the miracle that...(hesitates)...for the fire that set it alight.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 246, version 7 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-5, f. 5r)

This I imagine is what I have chiefly to record this evening, against the day when my work will be done and perhaps no place left in my memory, warm or cold, for the miracle that...(hesitat (hesitates)?.. (hesitates)...for the fire that set it alight.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 246, version 8 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-7, f. 6v)

This I fancy is what I have chiefly to record this evening, against the day when my work will be done and perhaps no place left in my memory, warm or cold, for the miracle that...(hesitates)...for the fire that set it alight.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 246, version 9 (Faber and Faber 1959, p. 15)

This I fancy is what I have chiefly to record this evening, against the day when my work will be done and perhaps no place left in my memory, warm or cold, for the miracle that...(hesitates)...for the fire that set it alight.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 246, version 10 (MS-SYR-GP-95, f. 20r)

This I fancy is what I have chiefly to record this evening, against the day when my work will be done and perhaps no place left in my memory, warm or cold, for the miracle that ... (hesitates) ... for the fire that set it alight.

La Dernière Bande Segment 246, version 11 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-6, f. 5r)

Voilà, j'imagine, ce que j'ai surtout à enregistrer ce soir, en prévision du jour où mon travail labeur sera...(il hésite)...consumé et que [H] je n'aurai peut-être plus aucun souvenir, ni bon ni mauvais, du miracle qui...(il hésite)...du feu qui l'avait embrasé.

La Dernière Bande Segment 246, version 12 (Les Lettres Nouvelles, p. 10)

Voilà j'imagine, ce que j'ai surtout à enregistrer ce soir, en prévision du jour où mon labeur sera... (il hésite) ...consumé et où je n'aurai peut-être plus aucun souvenir, ni bon ni mauvais, du miracle qui... (il hésite) ...du feu qui l'avait embrasé.

La Dernière Bande Segment 246, version 13 (Minuit 1959, p. 23)

Voilà j'imagine ce que j'ai surtout à enregistrer ce soir, en prévision du jour où mon labeur sera... (il hésite) ...éteint et où je n'aurai peut-être plus aucun souvenir, ni bon ni mauvais, du miracle qui... (il hésite) ...du feu qui l'avait embrasé.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 246, version 14 (MS-HRC-SB-5-4, f. 18r)

This I fancy is what I have chiefly to record this evening, against the day when my work will be done and perhaps no place left in my memory, warm or cold, for the miracle that... (hesitates)...for the fire that set it alight.