Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 286
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Krapp's Last Tape Segment 286, version 1 (MS-UoR-1227-7-7-1, f. 18r)
feels fumbles in his pockets, takes out an envelope, fumbles, puts back the envelope, gets up and goes front right into shadows.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 286, version 2 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-1, f. 3r)
fumblesi in feels in fumbles in his waistcoat pockets, takes out an old enbvelope, fumbles, puts back the envelope,[/] looks at his watch, gtes
up and goes right into shadows.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 286, version 3 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-2, f. 4r)
fumbles in his waistcoat pockets, talkes out an omld envelope, fumbles, puts back the envelope, looks at his watch, gets up and goes front right backstage into darkness.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 286, version 4 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-3, f. 5r)
Finally he fumbles in his waistcoat pockets, encounters the banana-skin, peers at it throws it away, fumbles, brings out the envelope, puts it back fumbles, puts back the envelope, looks at his watch, gets up and goes backstage into darkness.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 286, version 5 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-4, f. 5r)
Finally he fumbles in his waistcoat pockets, encounters the banana-skin, peers at it, hthrows it away, fumbles, brings out the envelope, fumbles, puts back envelope, looks at his watch, gets up and goes backstage into darkness.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 286, version 6 (MS-UoR-1659, f. 6r)
Finally he fumbles in his pockets, encounters the bana banana, takes it out, peers at it, throws it away puts it back, fumbles, brings out the envelope, fumbles, puts back the envelope, looks at his watch, gets up and goes backstage into darkness.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 286, version 7 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-5, f. 6r)
Fihnally he fumbles in his pockets, encounters the banana, takes it out, peers at it, throws it away, fumbles, brings out the envelope, fumbles, puts back envelope, looks at his watch, gets up and goes backstage into darkness.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 286, version 8 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-7, f. 7v)
Finally he fumbles in his pockets, encounters the banana, takes it out, peers at it, puts it back, fumbles, brings out the[₰] envelope, fumbles, puts back envelope, looks at his watch, gets up and goes backstage into darkness.
Krapp's Last Tape Segment 286, version 9 (Faber and Faber 1959, p. 16)
Finally he fumbles in his pockets, encounters the banana, takes it out, peers at it, puts it back, fumbles, brings out envelope, fumbles, puts back envelope, looks at his watch, gets up and goes backstage into darkness.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 286, version 10 (MS-SYR-GP-95, f. 23r)
Finally he fumbles in his pockets, encounters the banana, takes it out, peers at it, puts it back, fumbles, brings out the envelope, fumbles, puts back envelope, looks at his watch, gets up and goes backstage into darkness.

La Dernière Bande Segment 286, version 11 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-6, f. 6r)
Finalement il farfouille dans ses poches, rencontre la banane, la sort, l'examine de tout près, la remet, farfouille de nouveau, sort l'enveloppe, farfouille de nouveau, remet l'enveloppe, regarde sa montre, se lève et s'en fva au fond de la scène dans l'obscurité.
La Dernière Bande Segment 286, version 12 (Les Lettres Nouvelles, p. 11)
Finalement, il farfouille dans ses poches, rencontre la banane, la sort, l'examine de tout près, la remet, farfouille de nouveau, sort l'enveloppe, farfouille de nouveau, remet l'enveloppe, regarde sa montre, se lève et s'en va au fond de la scène dans l'obscurité.
La Dernière Bande Segment 286, version 13 (Minuit 1959, p. 26)
Finalement il farfouille dans ses poches, rencontre la banane, la sort, l'examine de tout près, la remet, farfouille de nouveau, sort l'enveloppe, farfouille de nouveau, remet l'enveloppe, regarde sa montre, se lève et s'en va au fond de la scène dans l'obscurité.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 286, version 14 (MS-HRC-SB-5-4, f. 19r)
Finally he gets up and goes backstage into darkness.