Student library info The Student library info pertains to the period when Beckett was a student at Trinity College Dublin (1923-1927) and a lecturer at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris and TCD (1928-1931). It explains when he is thought to have acquired and read the book in question, based on his inscription, as well as various external sources including the official TCD college calendars, his 'Dream' Notebook, and his letters.Read: by January 1924.
Preserved at the Beckett International Foundation in Reading.
Source: TCD College Calendar
Corneille, Pierre: La Galerie du palais
Manchester: Manchester University Press; London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1920
Thomas B. Rudmose-Brown (ed.)
Location: Beckett International Foundation, The University of Reading
Inscription: 'Samuel B. Beckett / Trinity College / Dublin - / Michaelmas Term - 1923'

Available scans cover, inscription, tp, 7, 8, 52, 57, 60, 68, 75, 79, 85.