Beckett Digital Library demo (25 items) > sorted by date of publication > "n.d." (3 items)
Holy Bible: The Comprehensive Teacher's Bible London: S. Bagster and Sons, n.d. Reading traces on: OT_1*, OT_2, OT_4, OT_6, OT_26, OT_40*, OT_41*, OT_73, OT_74, OT_103*, OT_104*, OT_165*, OT_169*, OT_170*, OT_171*, OT_174*, OT_222*, OT_372*, OT_386, OT_435*, OT_463*, OT_464*, OT_489, OT_510*, OT_513, OT_535, OT_547, OT_548*, OT_549, HELPS_17*, NT_1*, NT_24*, NT_39*, NT_40, NT_64*, NT_65, NT_70, NT_85, NT_117*, NT_118, NT_128*, NT_133*, NT_137*, NT_138*, NT_139*, NT_140*, NT_158*, NT_159, NT_160*, NT_161*, NT_162, NT_169*, NT_171*, NT_174*, NT_175*, NT_177*. (*: page contains marginalia) Notes:
- corner of page 177 folded down; - small photograph postcard inserted at page 426 (Ecclesiastes vii — xii); - ribbon at 180 Revelation VII-XI
In the manuscript of En attendant Godot on [page 05r](godot:MS-BNF-MY-440,05r[G440_zone62]), Lévy (Estragon) describes the maps of 'The Holy Land' in the Bible in a way that resembles the map in this copy. Beckett quotes from Deuteronomy (4:31), Nehemiah (9:31), Lamentations (3:22–3) and the Psalms / Proverbs (12:10) on [page 04r of the second typescript of Not I, MS-UoR-1227-7-12-3](noti:MS-UoR-1227-7-12-3,04r[ET2_zone21]). |
Molière: Théâtre complet, Vol. 2 Paris: Bibliothèque Hachette, n.d. Inscription: S. B. Beckett / July 1926 Reading traces on: 206*, 207*, 212*, 234, 257*, 258*, 259, 268*, 314*, 315*. (*: page contains marginalia) Notes:
- volume III is missing; - marginalia: volume 2: from La Princesse d'Élide: 206-207 / 212 / 234; from Tartuffe: 257-9 / 268 / 314-5