Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm: Die Märchen der Brüder Grimm
Leipzig: Insel Verlag, 1918
Notes: - no marking next to 'So geht's in der Welt'; - Foxrock Cooldrinagh letterpaper inserted on page 223 ('Dornröschen'), vol.1; - foodwrapper inserted page 49 vol. 2 - 'Der Geist im Glas'
Beckett alludes to the last line of the story 'How the Cat and the Mouse Set up House' in the manuscript of En attendant Godot (MS-BNF-MY-440, page 47r). He may be alluding to the final lines of 'How the Cat and the Mouse Set up House' on page 19r of the 'Kilcool' Notebook, MS-TCD-4664.

Available scans cover, tp, toc1, toc2, toc3, insert.