Boswell: Life of Johnson: Including Boswell's Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides and Johnson's Diary of a Journey into North Wales
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1887
George Birkbeck Hill (ed.)
Notes: - bought March 1961 in Brighton; - little bookseller's tag on inside cover: Greene & Co. Clare Street Dublin. - piece of paper [torn from a typed letter which incl. the date 18/5/1973] inserted on page 261, note on paper reads: 'Boule d'Or', with adress of 'Pierre' on back, and note to call Horovitz for Tophoven's and Jacoba van Velde's telephone number.

Available scans cover, inscover, tp, toc1, toc2, toc3, toc4, toc5, toc6, 261, 261insertr, 261insertv, 262, 263.