Finnegans Wake
London: Faber & Faber, 1939
- sticker inside front cover: 'James Joyce / 34 Rue des Vignes / Paris XVI';
- inserted on page 195 [which ends 'Quoiquoietc'], a small offprint from Finnegans Wake in Portugese, Lisboa 1968, with handwritten corrections and inscription by Francis Warner: 'For Samuel Beckett, / from Francis Warner. / page 4, for some unknown reason, / has been surpressed by the régime / Nov 1968';
- inserted in back: a) framed colour photograph of Lucia Joyce's grave and b) TS of 'The Ballad of Tim Finnegan'
Available scans ▿cover, inscover, tp, 195insertrecto, 195insertverso, insert2, insert3.
London: Faber & Faber, 1939
- sticker inside front cover: 'James Joyce / 34 Rue des Vignes / Paris XVI';
- inserted on page 195 [which ends 'Quoiquoietc'], a small offprint from Finnegans Wake in Portugese, Lisboa 1968, with handwritten corrections and inscription by Francis Warner: 'For Samuel Beckett, / from Francis Warner. / page 4, for some unknown reason, / has been surpressed by the régime / Nov 1968';
- inserted in back: a) framed colour photograph of Lucia Joyce's grave and b) TS of 'The Ballad of Tim Finnegan'
Available scans ▿cover, inscover, tp, 195insertrecto, 195insertverso, insert2, insert3.