Passerini, G.L.: Le Vite di Dante, scritte da Giovanni e Filippo Villani, da Giovanni Boccaccio, Leonardo Aretino e Giannozzo Manetti
Florence: G.C.Sansoni, 1917
Inscription: Samuel Beckett / 1936
Notes: - on cover: [M]. [J]. Doyle / Florence. / 1920; - Letter to Thomas MacGreevy, 25 March 1936 (LSB I 324): 'He [Maurice Sinclair] has dug out some more Italian books for me, including the Storie Fiorentine, which pleases me greatly; and I found some for myself at Webb's, left in by some little Jez called Boyle or Doyle, lepping fresh from Florence, including the accounts of Dante by the Villani, Boccaccio, Aretino & Manetti brought together in one volume.'
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Available scans cover, inscription, tp, xix.