Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

my way is in the sand flowing
between the shingle & the dune
the summer rain rains on my life
on me my life harrying fleeing
to its beginning to its end
my peace is there in the receding mist
when I shall cease to rest from treading these long
shifting thresholds
and live the space of a door
that opens & shuts.
what would become of me would I do without this
world faceless incurious
where to be lasts but an instant where
every instant
pours [spills] into the void the ignorance of having been
without this wave where at last in the end
body and shadow together are engulfed
what would become of me I do without this
silence where the murmurs die
and the pantings and the frenzies towards
succour towards love
without this sky that [soars]
above its ballast dust
what would become of me what became I do what I did
of me yesterday & the day before
peering out of my deadlight to [a] looking
for another
wandering with [me] whirling far from
[x] the living
in a [cracked] space
voiceless among the voices
cooped up with me.
I would love my love to die
and the rain to be falling on the graveyard
and on me walking the streets
- Segments
Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt