Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 737
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Malone meurt Segment 737, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-7-2, f. 88r)
Il xx xx était réputé un bon abatteur de saigneur et dépièceur de porcs et on l'employait souvent dans cette capacité, car il prenait moins cher que le boucher, et même se contentait souvent, pour toute rétribution, d'un jambonneau ou d'un peu de fromage de tête.
Malone meurt Segment 737, version 2 (Nouvelle Revue Littéraire, p. 3)
Il était réputé bon saigneur et dépeceur de porcs et, comme tel on avait souvent recours à ses services, car il prenait moins cher que le boucher et même souvent se contentait, pour toute rémunération, d'un jambonneau ou d'un peu de fromage de tête.

Malone meurt Segment 737, version 3 (MS-HRC-SB-NRL-CC, f. 3)
Il était réputé bon saigneur et dépeceur de porcs et, comme tel on avait souvent recours à ses services, car il prenait moins cher que le boucher et même souvent se contentait, pour toute rémunération, d'un jambonneau ou d'un peu de fromage de tête.
Malone meurt Segment 737, version 4 (Minuit 1951, p. 46)
Il était réputé bon saigneur et dépeceur de porcs et était très demandé, assez demandé, comme tel, car il prenait moins cher que le boucher et même souvent se contentait, pour toute rémunération, d'un jambonneau ou d'un peu de fromage de tête.

Malone Dies Segment 737, version 5 (MS-TCD-4662, f. 23r)
He was highly thought of as a bleeder and disjointer of pigs and was greatly sought after, no, that I exaggerate, in this capacity, for his fee was inferior to the butcher's and he even had been even known to accept ask no more, in return for his services, by way of remuneration,
no more a gammon, or a little bacon. xx How plausible all that is than a bit of lump of gammon or lump of gammon or of pi or a pig's head.

Malone Dies Segment 737, version 6 (MS-WU-MSS008-2-47, f. 30r)
He was highly thought of as a bleeder and disjointer of pigs and greatly sought after, I exaggerate, in that capacity.For his fee was inferior to[⁁] lower than [lower than] the buthcer's[ ] , and he had even been know[⁁]n[n]to demand no more, in return for his services, than a lump of gammon or a pig's cheek.

Malone Dies Segment 737, version 7 (MS-HRC-SB-4-3, f. 30r)
He was highly thought of as a bleeder and disjointer of pigs and greatly sought after, I exaggerate, in that capacity.For his fee was inferior to lower than the buthcer's[ ] , and he had even been known to demand no more, in return for his services, than a lump of gammon or a pig's cheek.

Malone Dies Segment 737, version 8 (MS-UoR-1227-7-11-1, f. 30r)
He was highly thought of as a bleeder and disjointer of pigs and greatly sought after, I exaggerate, in that capacity.For his fee was inferior to lower than the buthcer's[ ] , and he had even been known to demand no more, in return for his services, than a lump of gammon or a pig's cheek.
Malone Dies Segment 737, version 9 (Grove Press 1956, p. 24)
He was highly thought of as a bleeder and disjointer of pigs and greatly sought after, I exaggerate, in that capacity. For his fee was lower than the butcher's, and he had even been known to demand no more, in return for his services, than a lump of gammon or a pig's cheek.
Malone meurt Segment 737, version 10 (Minuit 1971, p. 42)
Il était réputé bon saigneur et dépeceur de porcs et était très demandé, assez demandé, comme tel, car il prenait moins cher que le boucher et même souvent se contentait, pour toute rémunération, d'un jambonneau ou d'un peu de fromage de tête.