[1662] And as for neglecting the essential, I fancy
there are few things I do better, arrested by
the contradictory information in my possession,
regarding this phenomenon.
[1663] But to return to
my weak points, I repeat that they have evolved
normally, by the seaside, yes, I have noticed
nothing abnormal.
[1664] Either because I did
not pay sufficient attention to them, absorbed as
I was in the metamorphosis of my excellent
leg, or else because there was in fact nothing to
engage my attention, in this connexion.
[1665] And
no sooner had I left
the shore, harried by the dread of waking one
fine day, far from my mother, with my two
legs as rigid as my crutches, than they began
to gallop,
[1665] I refer to my weak points, till their
weakness was the weakness almost of death,
with all the disadvantages
that such a thing entails, when the points affected
are not vital points.
[1666] I situate at this period
the ignominious capitualation of my toes, in
the very heat of the battle as it were.
[1667] This, you
may object, falls under the same heading
as my legs, and does not call for separate
mention, since I was already debarred, toes or
no toes, from putting my foot to the ground.
[1668] Admitted.
[1669] But do you even know which foot we
are talking about?
[1670] No.
[1671] Nor I.
[1672] Wait till
I see.
[1673] No, you are right, strictly speaking
they were not a weak point, I refer to my toes,
on the contrary, they were in excellent condition,
or so I thought, apart from a few corns, bunions
- Segments
- Doodles
Molloy © 2016 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Magessa O'Reilly, Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt