Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project


This document was written in blueblack ink, and contains edits in blueblack ink. In this visualisation, unclear words are placed between [brackets].

[p. cover] [xxx xxx xxx]

[3563] To reply couch a reply in terms To give me an explicit answer, though in terms necessarily veiled, was not


[3559] But even if it had always been part of my figured in my [ex]tructions, except on one single occasion, then that single occasion would have been enough to tie my hands, I was so scrupulous.

[p. backcover] DOODLE 3

[2742] [save] insofar as such a son might bear, her stamp like a scurf of placenta, her stamp.

[2796] [Some]
Much of what
Much of what they had it takes away, much they never had it foists upon them.