[0490] nothing, something to keep [place = supralinear] hinder you from passing out [place = supralinear] losing consciousness,[⁁], which for [place = supralinear] with[⁁] them
is an obsession, it is useless to recoil, [0491] they will pursue you to
the end of the earth, the vomitory in their hand.
[0492] The Salvation
Army is no better.
[0493] Against the charitable gesture there is know
no defence, that I know of.
[0494] You sink your head, you put out your
hands all trembling and entangled [place = supralinear] twined together and you say, Thankyou, thankyou
lady, thankyou kind lady.
[0495] To him who has nothing it is forbidden
not to xxx [place = supralinear] relish filth. [0496] The liquid overflowed, the mug rocked with a
noise of chattering teeth, not my teeth, I had no teeth, and the
sodden bread drooped [place = supralinear] sagged more and more.
[0497] Until, panic-stricken, I
flung it all far from me.
[0498] I did not let it fall, no, but with
a convulsive thrust of both my hands I threw it on the floor,
where it smashed to smithereens, or against the wall, far from me,
with all my strength.
[0499] I will not tell what followed, for I am
weary of this place, I want to leave this place.
[0500] It was late
afternoon when they told me I could go.
[0501] I was advised to behave
better in future.
[0502] Conscious of my wrongs, knowing now the reasons
for my arrest, alive to my irregular situation as exposed by the
enquiry, I was surprised to find myself so soon at freedom once
again, if that is what it was, and unscathed [place = supralinear] unpenalised..
[0503] Had I, without my
knowledge, a protector in high places?
[0504] Had I, without knowing it,
favourably impressed the sergeant?
[0505] Had they succeeded in reaching
my mother and obtaining from her, or from the neighbours, partial
confirmation of my statements?
[0506] Were they of the opinion that it
was useless to prosecute me. [place = overwritten] ?
[0507] To apply the letter of the law to a
creature like me is not an easy matter.
[0508] It can be done, but reason
is against it.
[0509] It is better to leave things to the police.
[0510] I dont know.
- Segments
Molloy © 2016 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Magessa O'Reilly, Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt