Samuel Beckett
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 112


Molloy Segment 112, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-5, f. 05r)

Mais au bruit peut-être de leurs pas ils levèrent la tête et se regardèrent, pendant une bonne quinzaine de pas, avant de s'arrêter, l'un devant l'autre.

Molloy Segment 112, version 2 (Minuit 1951, p. 10)

Mais au bruit peut-être de leurs pas, ou avertis par quelque obscur instinct, ils levèrent la tête et s'observèrent, pendant une bonne quinzaine de pas, avant de s'arrêter, l'un contre l'autre.

Molloy Segment 112, version 3 (Minuit 1953, p. 10)

Mais au bruit peut-être de leurs pas, ou avertis par quelque obscur instinct, ils levèrent la tête et s'observèrent, pendant une bonne quinzaine de pas, avant de s'arrêter, l'un contre l'autre.

Molloy Segment 112, version 4 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-48, f. 04r)

But perhaps at the sound of their steps, or warned by some obscure instinct, they raised their heads and observed each other, for a good fifteen paces, before they stopped, breast to breast.

Molloy Segment 112, version 5 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-51-1, f. 03r)

But perhaps at the sound of their steps, or warned by some obscure instinct, they raised their heads and observed each other, for a good fifteen paces, before they stopped, breast to breast.

Molloy Segment 112, version 6 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-51-2, f. 03r)

But perhaps at the sound of their steps, or warned by some obscure instinct, they raised their heads and observed each other, for a good fifteen paces, before they stopped, breast to breast.

Molloy Segment 112, version 7 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-49, f. 04r)

But perhaps at the sound of their steps, or warned by some obscure instinct, they raised their heads and observed each other, for a good fifteen paces, before they stopped, breatst to breast.

Molloy Segment 112, version 8 (Merlin 1953, p. 90)

But perhaps at the sound of their steps, or warned by some obscure instinct, they raised their heads and observed each other, for a good fifteen paces, before they stopped, breast to breast.

Molloy Segment 112, version 9 (MS-BRML-NWWR-22-546, f. 04r)

But perhaps at the sound of their steps, or warned by some obscure instinct, they raised their heads and observed each other, for a good fifteen paces, before they stopped, breast to breast.

Molloy Segment 112, version 10 (MS-BRML-NWWR-35-1136, f. 01r)

But perhaps at the sound of their steps, or warned by some obscure instinct, they raised their heads and observed each other, for a good fifteen paces, before they stopped, breast to breast.

Molloy Segment 112, version 11 (New World Writing 1954, p. 318)

But perhaps at the sound of their steps, or warned by some obscure instinct, they raised their heads and observed each other, for a good fifteen paces, before they stopped, breast to breast.

Molloy Segment 112, version 12 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-50-1, f. 04r)

But perhaps at the sound of their steps, or warned by some obscure instinct, they raised their heads and observed each other, for a good fifteen paces, before they stopped, breast to breast.

Molloy Segment 112, version 13 (Olympia 1955, p. 10)

But perhaps at the sound of their steps, or warned by some obscure instinct, they raised their heads and observed each other, for a good fifteen paces, before they stopped, breast to breast.

Molloy Segment 112, version 14 (Grove Press 1955, p. 10)

But perhaps at the sound of their steps, or warned by some obscure instinct, they raised their heads and observed each other, for a good fifteen paces, before they stopped, breast to breast.

Molloy Segment 112, version 15 (Olympia and Grove Press 1959, p. 6)

But perhaps at the sound of their steps, or warned by some obscure instinct, they raised their heads and observed each other, for a good fifteen paces, before they stopped, breast to breast.

Molloy Segment 112, version 16 (Minuit 1971, p. 11)

Mais au bruit peut-être de leurs pas, ou avertis par quelque obscur instinct, ils levèrent la tête et s'observèrent, pendant une bonne quinzaine de pas, avant de s'arrêter, l'un contre l'autre.