Samuel Beckett
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 926


Molloy Segment 926, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-6, f. 28r)

En ce cas ces 14 jours, que seraie qu'étaient-ils devenus et où étaient-ils passés?

Molloy Segment 926, version 2 (Minuit 1951, p. 61)

En ce cas ces quinze jours pleins ou presque, qu'étaient-ils devenus et où étaient-ils passés?

Molloy Segment 926, version 3 (Minuit 1953, p. 61)

En ce cas ces quinze jours pleins ou presque, qu'étaient-ils devenus et où étaient-ils passés?

Molloy Segment 926, version 4 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-49, f. 48r)

And if so, what had happened to those fourteen days, or nearly, and where had they flown?

Molloy Segment 926, version 5 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-50-1, f. 48r)

And if so, what had happened to those fourteen days, or nearly, and where had they flown?

Molloy Segment 926, version 6 (Olympia 1955, p. 55)

And if so, what had happened to those fourteen days, or nearly, and where had they flown?

Molloy Segment 926, version 7 (Grove Press 1955, p. 55)

And if so, what had happened to those fourteen days, or nearly, and where had they flown?

Molloy Segment 926, version 8 (Olympia and Grove Press 1959, p. 52)

And if so, what had happened to those fourteen days, or nearly, and where had they flown?

Molloy Segment 926, version 9 (Minuit 1971, p. 66)

En ce cas ces quinze jours pleins ou presque, qu'étaient-ils devenus et où étaient-ils passés?